Lets help preserve Nature....

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Senior Member
May 11, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hi All.....

Just want to share some tips when going out taking nature or macro photography. Well....recentlly while on my usual outing at the nature reserve and botanic gardens......

I happen to see some photgraphers who break branches and plants just to get their perfect shot. Well i agree in some instance that there are times where creatures and insects are tucked behind some branches of shrubs etc......its "common" instinct to shove it aside to allow access for lenses. Well in the process of shoving some people just take the short cut by breaking....the branches or clear the shrubs......by stepping on them.

So as a suggestion, why not carry some short length velcro so that once neccessary, just use the velcro to secure the branches and then remove the velcro after the session is over. In this case....we as Clubsnap photographers can help preserve our "left over" nature in Singapore.

Here are some ideas:
- get the chesp velcro in gardening shops (used for securing twines)
- use a pack of vellcro from Ikea. Cut to shorter pieces and sew them .
- Go to spotlight and buy from the sewing department.
- Go to Beach Road(army stuff) and get a yard for 3.50.

Well...hope this helps....


PS: In some cases where insects may not be on good location....some photographers use the retractable pointer (radio antenna) to pick the insect up and put it to thier desired location.
Then after the session put it back where it was from.....

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I fully agree. If one cannot get the picture than leave it. The lives and envirnoment of the creatures should not be destroyed because of our desire to get a "prefect & clean" shot. Afterall we should preserve as much of nature as possible for our future generations.

Originally posted by sulhan
Hi All.....
PS: In some cases where insects may not be on good location....some photographers use the retractable pointer (radio antenna) to pick the insect up and put it to thier desired location.
Then after the session put it back where it was from.....

However, I personally have reservation on this point. As there is a risk that we might accidently kill or injure the creature.


My friend was at the Botanic Garden and saw this really lovely lotus. He wanted to get a shot of it but there was this other guy there taking a shot. Not wanting to disturb he went elsewhere and decided to come back later to take the shot. To his horror, when he came back the flower was destroyed. All the petals were on the floor!

I really wonder what could have happened during a photo shoot to make the flower wilt?

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