Jon Carter @ Centro

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New Member
Jan 18, 2002
another try at club photograhy...


ISO 800

Nice shot.
And how did you get into the DJ stand?!?!

Neway just a suggestion.
Try to get a few shots IN the crowd and from different locations if possible.
Think it'll give an even stronger image of clubbing.

Furthermore, the lighting effects in clubs give rise to a lot of different mood shots. Check to see what you can come out with.

Also, try to slow your shutter even more to get more ambient light in and set your flash to a lower output so that only the main subject will be bright while the background crowd still relateively dark.

Then show off your new pix to us again!

- Bob

thanx for the comments.

i was covering the event for a website so i have access to almost everywhere in centro and lola.

"IN" the crowd shots like this?


hi des,

cool photo...noticed u were using slow shutter speed of 1/3s in ya first pic, forgive me cos i think it sounds quite silly but did u bring in a tripod? Haha..
Noticed the photo is rather stable, i guess u have to be rather stable in the absence of a tripod yeah?

no tripod... too cumbersome already...

i guess the shot was somewhat sharp coz the flash 'froze' the action and the remaining time the shutter was open was just to capture the ambient. anyway, i did 1s slow sync with flash before and it turned out alright too.

modenaslim said:
:kok: exam is coming !!!! pass ur D100 i help u to keep.. else u won't have time to study . it's for ur own Good..:D

nono :nono:

both of you are final year people... pass the cameras and lenses to me.. i will put them to good use, since i got plenty of time to shoot after work. it's for your own good. :angel:

anyway, the shot at the DJ stand works for me.. well executed :thumbsup: the DJ is nicely lighted up, i presume with flash, without any obivous signs of reflections from his instruments.

the "in the crowd" shot you posted doesn't work for me somehow. i would prefer a silhouette or a topdown kind of shot.

for the second pic since u r shootign at eye level it better to tilt the framign to make it more "drama drama" ;-)

Check out Jon Carter's mix CD Live At The Heavenly Social (vol2) under his production name Monkey Mafia... it rocks man!! :cool:

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