Is Singapore going to follow the Dutch way of life?

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i dont mind cyclist but i wish they would stay on the roads.... and stop ringing their bells to shoo away people walking on pavement.. it's annoying.

one of my neighbour's relative (an elderly) died because a bicycle ran into him at a corner under a HDB flat. that is how dangerous it can be.

Having cycled in Holland myself, I can see the good in this, and the benefits for the health of locals, the environment etc

BUT some differences apply...

We are Singaporean, we are rude, we rush from point A to B and do not like to give way, either on bikes or cars. This will results in accidents and injuries.

If we ride like we drive cars, there will also be accidents and even fatalities.

Our climate is much hotter and more humid. I loved cycling in spring in Holland and we seldom sweat. Here we will defintely do so, hence there must be places to change, shower on either end.

There are lanes to cycle, places to park and people do not use this paths. These cost money. For this to work in SG, we must avoid being our usual stingy selves, and SPEND on infrastructure. Just letting on the streets is stupid as our roads are too busy and the paths are meant for pedestrains who also should be wary of cyclists.

We need training and education. Eventually when Singapore becomes more refined, this will be a wonderful aim, but we still have some way to go.

I look forward to a balanced society with bicycles and people, and less cars.

agreed :thumbsup: most of them do keep to the left and most do adhere to road rules.
What scares me the most are still foreigners who cycle against traffic.
They seem to have complete disregard for traffic laws.

The thing with foreigners cycling against traffic is how they do it in their countries. Actually, makes more sense than cycling with traffic as they are actually slower than drivers and need to react earlier to get out of trouble.

Chey! I kena conned! :angry: When I saw your topic title, I thought Singapore was gonna become like Amsterdam! Hash bars everywhere! :lovegrin:

Denmark is another great cycling nation. Singapore? Slowly wait...... walk also all over the place... cycle? The people here is too pampered - blame it on the government?
As Singapore is a campaign based nation, all these education mentioned in earlier threads will go the campaign way...... which as you know.. will just go down the drain. One cannot change character, culture by just talk about it......... and it is not an overnight thing...... it takes minimum 3 generations

I think its the climate... there the weather is cool, walk whole morning all over the place, no problems no hassle. You don't really feel tired.

Here, u walk short distance from point A to point B under this weather, u feel drained. Same goes for Europeans who come over and try walking and cycling, they get tired much easier.

Too quick to say people here too pampered in terms of willingness to walk/cycle. Hehe
But one thing mentioned is quite true, people here generally more 'rude' or 'super impatient'. But then again, the arguement will lead to "are singaporeans really that?"...our country has a lot of residents from elsewhere, so that statement of "singaporeans really stuck up" doesn't really hold water either.

I still think it's a good idea to introduce more cycling and walking....perhaps at night? :bsmilie:

Cyclist in singapore faces a dilemma. Cycle on road, and risk their lives. Cycle on walkway will endanger other people, and risk a fine. :X

i have no issue with traffic. My issue is that I need bathroom to bath when I reach office. And there isn't any.

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