Insist on a Canon!

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Why buy Can_on? If can_not_on why buy?. Btw is there a prize for this is kind of survey? :D



Buy Canon because:

1. Digital cam got very good image quality(Great colour and Low noise).
2. Wide range of products.
3. Very good service.

chatswood said:
Why do you buy a canon? Any particular reason(s)? Would like to hear some views here.

becos it has the fastest autofocus even the owner dunno where he/she's focussing.

oh and quiet u have to press 3 times to be sure u took the shot.

Let me add one more reason to this list...

Because "C" comes before "F", "N", "O" and "S"?
But seriously, for me, it's because I was first given a Canon EOS to use before I finally own one.

Why is there an interest in why people choose Canon cameras over other brands?

Becos at the time EOS entered maturity(circa mid-1990s?), I tot it handled best, among Nikon and Minolta.

Let me see...

My 1st P&S is a Canon
My 1st film SLR is a Canon
My 1st digital P&S is a Canon
My 1st digital SLR is a Canon

yep Canon had been in my blood even before I realise it :bigeyes: :bigeyes:

Oh yeah, even my 1st scanner is a Canon.

Frankly speaking, I have pondered between Canon and Nikon when I was choosing my 1st film SLR, and Canon just seem to appeal to me. Plus having my brother-in-law a Canon user swayed my opinion. Now I would not consider anything else except Canon (because of my sizeable investment??) :dunno: :dunno: :think: :think:

chatswood said:
Why do you buy a canon? Any particular reason(s)? Would like to hear some views here.

To me, it's a history thing. I've got the EOS 500 and then EOS 3. The EOS 500 is recommended by the salesman when I was still a newbie to SLRs. Ever since, I've been spending my money on lenses, which is a no-turnback. Luckily, Canon performed up to my expectation.

I've got the 10D now and are still using my lenses since olden days. Handling, speed, and ease of use is why I still go back to Canon, not considering that I have those existing lenses.

because you can "on" if you using canon :):)

their lenses are interchangeble with the canon XL1s video camera. this is the GREATEST and i say GREATEST advantage over nikon who do not make video cameras.

showtime said:
their lenses are interchangeble with the canon XL1s video camera. this is the GREATEST and i say GREATEST advantage over nikon who do not make video cameras.

yup agree with that

wow not many people out there know this feature. you must be quite into video too...happy shooting at 25 frames per second...


Erm, although I must say people who use the XL1S would rather use the XL lenses. You'll need an adaptor to use EF lenses.

Though I question the logic that because Canon makes video cameras that can take EF lenses (or makes video cams in the first place) makes them better than Nikon (or other brands for that matter). May I ask why?

Luckily this thread is not in the general forum...otherwise sure kenna lots of :flame:

Ah Pao said:
Saw majere2sg's signature.
Is it "Canonians" or "Canonites"?

i think "Canonians" is better, since "Canonites" sounds suspiciously like "Canaanites", and that is bad news :bsmilie:

Ah Pao said:

Erm, although I must say people who use the XL1S would rather use the XL lenses. You'll need an adaptor to use EF lenses.

Though I question the logic that because Canon makes video cameras that can take EF lenses (or makes video cams in the first place) makes them better than Nikon (or other brands for that matter). May I ask why?

Luckily this thread is not in the general forum...otherwise sure kenna lots of :flame:

actually likewise, nikon also makes binoculars and telescopes. their telescopes also can be mounted to nikon body (the catalogue typically shows the f5 to be used for such purposes) v.s. scopes..each has its own plus points

Red Dawn said:
i think "Canonians" is better, since "Canonites" sounds suspiciously like "Canaanites", and that is bad news :bsmilie:

It's Kwanonites ... :devil:

Okay. I never bothered with this thread until I saw Ian was the last poster. Those pictures have been floating around ad nauseum. I cannot speak for matters across the pond in America, but I can assure you that at the moment for football in the UK, Canon does not have a 70% share of the market, nor is it one long row of white lenses. If you want, I can take a long row of black lenses too, it just depends on what game and when. I'd say the mix is very close to 50/50.

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