Injured and abandoned

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Senior Member
Sep 25, 2007
Upp Bt Timah
Hi all,
Found this poor birdie on the floor, injured? abandoned? Not sure what is the name, can someone ID?

Tried to feed it with fish and some sugar water but it is not eating. Can suggest anything I could do? I know it likes worms, but where to get?



is this a juvenile mynah... what are the red spots on the back

Hi all,
Found this poor birdie on the floor, injured? abandoned? Not sure what is the name, can someone ID?

Tried to feed it with fish and some sugar water but it is not eating. Can suggest anything I could do? I know it likes worms, but where to get?



Mynahs eat almost anything, for worms, you can try pet fish shops. You can try giving it bread slightly-soaked in water. You should call
Ashley for more advice at 81802082 :). He's experienced in nursing birds back to health

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I have these birds before. You may feed it with meshed Tofu. Or modern way, use chicken feeds soak with water, then use a small spoon the hand feed it, every few hours. Do not over feed it. Make sure the feeds are all soaked soften.

Hope the poor bird would survive! There is a lump on the back, saw it from your photo. Please examine it, or send to Bird Park vet for advice. :)

Hi Raymond,

you can get the mealworms from either fish shop or bird shop, do not get those big superworm, get those normal mealworms would do.

Thanks to all who replied and for your suggestions.
I called Ashley (sms) yesterday and this morning and he did suggest feeding fish, meat, etc and sugar water so I gave the bird some fish but it did not bite.
This morning the bird was not eating either when I left home, but just received a call from wife that it started to eat the salmon fish (only one I have in the fridge) and drank some water. Sounded like it is getting better. It has good appetite and is now standing up. Will go and buy some mealworms as suggested by Reno and Micky.

The lump at the back was actually the "elbow" of its right leg when it was squatting.

So it is a mynah and not magpie robin? Whatever it is , will still try to nurse it back to health.

Thanks to all again.

Poor thing. Hope it gets nursed back to health, Raymond.

Thanks to all who replied and for your suggestions.
I called Ashley (sms) yesterday and this morning and he did suggest feeding fish, meat, etc and sugar water so I gave the bird some fish but it did not bite.
This morning the bird was not eating either when I left home, but just received a call from wife that it started to eat the salmon fish (only one I have in the fridge) and drank some water. Sounded like it is getting better. It has good appetite and is now standing up. Will go and buy some mealworms as suggested by Reno and Micky.

The lump at the back was actually the "elbow" of its right leg when it was squatting.

So it is a mynah and not magpie robin? Whatever it is , will still try to nurse it back to health.

Thanks to all again.

please do not give meal worms at this young bird as meal worms should be properly boiled before feeding it .. live meal worms may still survive inside its body and kill the bird

please do not give meal worms at this young bird as meal worms should be properly boiled before feeding it .. live meal worms may still survive inside its body and kill the bird

Oh no.. I have fed the meal worms a few times already. May be I should kill the worms before feeding?

Live mealworms should be fine... My dad picked up an abandoned mynah chick couple years back... Fed & cared for it for about 2 weeks till it was strong enough to fly away...

If you have small children around, get them involved in the caring... My nephew & niece enjoyed the experience...

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Hi Raymond, live mealworms are fine - just kill them before feeding and do not feed dead worms (may have bacteria once dead for some time?). Glad to hear that it is finally eating.. Do keep us posted on the progress and take lotsa pics - can even use macro lens for super sharp details !!! haha... ;p

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Hi all,
Found this poor birdie on the floor, injured? abandoned? Not sure what is the name, can someone ID?

these are the common black mynah found everywhere .... actually these birds are pests .... very intelligent and fearless and they attack other small birds ... even big crows have to share their space with them.

This one is probably injured by a wild cat ....

I dont like these mynah coz they chase away/attack all those nice little birdies, including humming birds, sunbirds, etc....

paying attn to it is good to nurse it to health.. but this birds are sort of pest to the community besides the dont spend too much money on it..

Oh no.. I have fed the meal worms a few times already. May be I should kill the worms before feeding?

I suggest dun give meal worms thus avoiding kililng them .. you can make your own baby bird food by using Nestum (no sugar added), mixed with hot water, stir till googey - not too watery but please not too hot - body temperature if your fingers feel warm but not discomfort, slowly feed it by using a small teaspoon. Do not overfeed it. Alternatively you can try Oats meal (again no sugar) or commercial baby food which comes in powder form (mixed with hot water to make it into a paste).

haha I am a certified baby bird handraiser when I brought up my lovebird chick from two weeks old without feathers... oh yah, at this chick stage, feed regularly like four times a day! but each time not too much to avoid overfeeding.

Mynahs are extremely intelligence birds .. if you dun want, put up for adoption or release it after it is well again. Another thing for safety, dun let it be near children or even adults' eyes as their beaks can injure your eyes due to the glint in human eyes. I know someone went to hospital as his face/eyes was too close to his bird.

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The bird died last night. Found it stiff and motionless. Should have listened to Mindfulness about feeding meal worms if that was the cause. Sad ending unfortunately for this poor birdie, mynah or otherwise. To me, a life lost is a life gone. I felt kind of guilty....I shall be more careful with them in future.


I was in the same situation last year when I found an injured kingfisher in my garden .... in the end after spending about $60 for a vet visit and medication it died when I was leaving the clinic! Nothing to be sad about this ... we tried.:dunno:

However there are some birds that would be better for the environment if the numbers are reduced than increased, such as the crows, the mynahs and the common pigeons. Seriously these birds are pests and they do spread diseases if they are not properly handled and controlled (the crows and mynahs are scavengers). IMHO, because of their intelligence and aggressiveness, they actually attack other birds ... birdies which would otherwise make our environments nicer with their sights, colours or sound :think:

The bird died last night. Found it stiff and motionless. Should have listened to Mindfulness about feeding meal worms if that was the cause. Sad ending unfortunately for this poor birdie, mynah or otherwise. To me, a life lost is a life gone. I felt kind of guilty....I shall be more careful with them in future.


bro, sorry to hear of the demise of the bird .. you did with your best intention and effort, it will go to a better place :)

I was in the same situation last year when I found an injured kingfisher in my garden .... in the end after spending about $60 for a vet visit and medication it died when I was leaving the clinic! Nothing to be sad about this ... we tried.:dunno:

However there are some birds that would be better for the environment if the numbers are reduced than increased, such as the crows, the mynahs and the common pigeons. Seriously these birds are pests and they do spread diseases if they are not properly handled and controlled (the crows and mynahs are scavengers). IMHO, because of their intelligence and aggressiveness, they actually attack other birds ... birdies which would otherwise make our environments nicer with their sights, colours or sound :think:

wow . what KF was it ? dream to have 1 to care for it :devil:

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