"I told you so!"

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Jul 1, 2008
North East

1. In what area is critique to be sought?
I had chosen a very conventional,straight up framing in order to capture the birds as though they were talking to each other. I would like to have feedback on whether the framing can be improved and perhaps suggestions for other angles. I had underexposed the picture by 1/3 stops in order to not to let the feathers/background be blown, and also to add to the mood somewhat. I would seek opinions on whether it was wise to do so.

2. What one hopes to achieve with the piece of work?
I hope to convey interaction between the birds and how the one of the left seems to be chastising the other, who is nonchalant.

3. Under what circumstance is the picture taken? (physical conditions/emotions)
Slightly overcast, shooting through fence (had to MF as the camera does not get the right focus), shooting at 250mm f/5.6 (the limits of my lens)

4. What the critique seeker personally thinks of the picture
By my low standards, I would think the picture is sharp. However I am not convinced this is the best angle and exposure to take the shot. I am open to suggestions in order to improve.

haha thats a cool pic - like the expression on the bird on the left.. i get the 'I told you so' part quite clearly.. however, i feel there's somethign missing in the photo too - not sure wat it is, am a newbie myself :D but i like the expression u've captured, and ithink the exposure is good.. maybe the background is a bit boring?

this framing is alright for me, given the circumstances.

i would only lift the shadows up a bit.

I feel that the background is too bright and distracting. Agree to lift up the shadow of the bird make if brighter and maybe you can do something to the background like burn it to make it darker. So to let the "bird" stands out. :)

The photo is a bit dark for my taste.

Bump up the exposure or fill light and drop the shadows. Perhaps increase/decrease contrast. Instead of pushing saturation levels, perhaps bump up vibrance just a bit?

That is what I'd do but we all have difference opinions and PP methods.

Most important of all, the composition is fine so everything else is simple to change.

Yep, the background is too disturbing, the horizontal black streak & textured lines are too distracting. You need to reshoot.

reshoot is not going to help, bring the birds elsewhere and ask them to pose again? i believe TS here has little he can control..

if mood and theme are important to you, you can forgo preserving natural colors and get creative, cross process, b/w, etc etc..

if you want to preserve natural color try to lift the shadows. if this was done in raw you could re-tone the image.

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