GST up to 7%

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Singapore to post Budget surplus of S$430m: PM Lee
Posted on CNA: 17 February 2006 1615 hrs
SINGAPORE : Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Friday the government will post a budget surplus of S$430 million for the fiscal year ending March 2006.

Can someone define the meaning of surplus? Maybe my English teacher been tellling me the wrong thing all these years...
U wanna run a nation on $430m budget surplus?

That sounds like hell lot of money in SimCity.... provided the entire world is a computer simulation that is. :think:

Think jsbn can run as candidate for the PAPPY. ;p
Oh damn! The nice little squrriel mascot which POSB used to have must be a Minister since they went all over Singapore in the 80s encouraging children to save! :bigeyes:

Anyone knows what Cabinet Ministerial Portfolio is the POSB Squrriel holding now? :)

Singapore to post Budget surplus of S$430m: PM Lee
Posted on CNA: 17 February 2006 1615 hrs
SINGAPORE : Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Friday the government will post a budget surplus of S$430 million for the fiscal year ending March 2006.

Can someone define the meaning of surplus? Maybe my English teacher been tellling me the wrong thing all these years...

exports minus imports > 0

At this rate, In another 20 years we'll have 17% GST like UK, but without any of the social welfare benefits.

Hmm....shld be 17.5% Vat in UK right? Don't tell me UK VAT drop by 0.5% ah? Wah...finally can find a country that reduced the VAT! :bsmilie:

ya, i think the poor will get poorer.. there r rumors that say the additional gst is used to cover the loss incurred in foreign investment with thailand taksin's company.. which is abt 2-4 billion.. if i got the figures right.. well.. i'm not too sure, never a habit to read the newspaper.. hee.. so if anyone wants to get lenses or any accessories/dslr, do it now!!!

someone actually set this up..

I went to this web and did a rough calculation and got the answer where the magic number 66.6% comes from!!!

In that website, currently as of 0626hrs, 511 voted "NO" to GST increase. Now guess what? total visitor is 1681. Did a simple math, only 30.4% voted "NO", so I assume Ok,yes or don't care is 69.6%!!! :bigeyes:
In fact looks like more Sporean support garment's GST hike!! :bigeyes:

WOW...not far from the 66.6% isn't it? Coincidence? :think:

This is not new and I was surprised not many have already observed it. Whenever the Government is planning to introduce an unpopular change, it will always "leak" the info out to test public reaction before implementing it formally. This is no different.

I think that the PM is very insincere when he says that there will be a 7% GST hike, and then rushes to cover his backside when Low Thia Kiang says that the package will not be enough, and he says "you haven't seen my package how you know".

Like that people no need to comment what, he can always say "Why you worry, help package haven't even come out yet". If not ready, leak out for what? Obviously as a feeler for public's reaction. If too strong, then they'll cut back, if no noise, then they'll implement. This pattern has happened so many times on so many policies they made in the past.


Ultimately I guess the method of delivery hit everyone.

Nobody's exactly pleased that GST's going to go up. Yes, that beloved 17-40L's price is going up. The 50mm f1.8 is going up as well.

Unfortunately, PM Lee simply announced the rise of GST and did not further elaborate or shed light on the 'prospect plans to aid those poor' to at least give the citizens a glimpse of what's expected.

I went to this web and did a rough calculation and got the answer where the magic number 66.6% comes from!!!

In that website, currently as of 0626hrs, 511 voted "NO" to GST increase. Now guess what? total visitor is 1681. Did a simple math, only 30.4% voted "NO", so I assume Ok,yes or don't care is 69.6%!!! :bigeyes:
In fact looks like more Sporean support garment's GST hike!! :bigeyes:

WOW...not far from the 66.6% isn't it? Coincidence? :think:

it is because irregardless u poll or not.. the decision is still made. :sweat:

To vote you need to put your name and email. I guess that may be putting 66.9% of the folks off.

I went to this web and did a rough calculation and got the answer where the magic number 66.6% comes from!!!

In that website, currently as of 0626hrs, 511 voted "NO" to GST increase. Now guess what? total visitor is 1681. Did a simple math, only 30.4% voted "NO", so I assume Ok,yes or don't care is 69.6%!!! :bigeyes:
In fact looks like more Sporean support garment's GST hike!! :bigeyes:

WOW...not far from the 66.6% isn't it? Coincidence? :think:

it is because irregardless u poll or not.. the decision is still made. :sweat:

Haizz....sad but true though! How, spent less loh! Since GST up to 5%, I've not been buying much clothes, less movie, restaurant etc....
Still those shops are still pack like hell? Hmmmm.....:sweat:

To vote you need to put your name and email. I guess that may be putting 66.9% of the folks off.

Hahahah...ya loh..See..... that's why 66.6% lah! What an irony!:sweat:

does anyone here still rem what was the reason given when GST was raised from 3 to 5%? if i'm not mistaken, it was during the reccession period. our PM said that it has to happen then, cos of the down turn. In order to attract corporates, they need to lower the corporate tax. the GST was raised to offset the lower corporate tax.

now the reason for the hike is becos economy is better. so good or bad economy, u get tax increase. everything else remains... we get the pinch. :thumbsd: :thumbsd:

If we have a surplus why do we need to increase tax for the people? It does not mean we run the country with $430M, but that after all the Billions of annual spending is accounted for, the government has $430M more income than cost. Some years the surplus is even higher. I am not saying we should be in deficit but spend some of that

U wanna run a nation on $430m budget surplus?

That sounds like hell lot of money in SimCity.... provided the entire world is a computer simulation that is. :think:

2 months after elections only loh...

and they skipped 6%... I thought it was mentioned that it would be a progessive increase...

2 months notice to Year 2007...


Rumours were actually circulating before and during the elections already. The sooner they get it over with, the more likely people would forget by next elections. Then the cycle continues.

Well, I wouldnt be suprised that the same old trick is adopted again, first announce increase from 5% to 7%, then announced the "revise plan" - increase to 6% first then eventually 7% .
Then hope for the gullible ones to feel much better about the policy.

Ironically, nobody thought of this until JBJ Jeyaratnam raised that issue of 'anonymous vote' at Parliament in the 80s and maintains constantly that YOUR VOTES CAN BE TRACED. :bsmilie:

Blaming the ruling incumbent for this 'false rumour'? What else are ppl going to blame the ruling incumbent for? Their constipation problems as well? :dunno:

Personally, I think its rubbish to believe that our votes can be traced.

But I have do have friends who believe it to be true, which brings a question to my mind.

Putting aside the issue of whoever started this rumours, the fact that there is a substantial number of people who believed it, what does that tell us about the incumbent party ?

i wonder if gov based on this......

if so.....singaporeans are so well-off .......of course they wish to milk us dry.

Yo bro,

I think that website is used to attract FT lah! :sweat:
Else, the salary shld be based on gross, inclusive of basic, 13mth bonus, variable component, new singapore shares, Economic restructuring shares, GST hike package, C&C rebates, road tax rebate, bla bla blar.....:bsmilie:

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