goin to tekong > june 9th

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Originally posted by FiveIronFrenzy
Joseph, next week when you go back PLEASE REFRAIN from slapping ppl on the face with your PINK PLASTIC. I've seen strong relationships turn sour because of this. :dunno:

no i wun do tt...experience tt before...kinda pissed off by such actions.... :rbounce:

BMT huh..

I think these days are easier.. I remember during my day.. the CPL throw my tray out of the window into the parade square and I have to go find it after runing round the parade square god knows how many times.

Then the whole platoon was made to carry our cupboards and assemble in the parade square and back. This is not forgeting to say that we have to retrive all our belongings from the center of the room which we had empty our cupboard. So needless to say I end up with someone else boots, underware , etc..

God it sure bring back memories... Oh yeah some funnies ones.. got a section mate made to stand by whole platoon slippers in the parade square.. and have to give command to turn the slippers left and right... hell I bet he won't forget it.

All in all it might sucks and at times but after many years I look back (don't flame me ) I feel some how I have benefited from it. Being more independent, mentally stronger and more self displine. Also not to forget to mention that my Hokkien has become so much better and colour ful.. :)

So have fun take it as it comes and you will defiently hate it while u are there. but u will surely have some good laughs to look back at.

Just don't be he sabo king, blur king, siam king.... so have fun.

Originally posted by Winston
You really think so?

They have to "enjoy" 20 weeks of "hell" while the PES A do 10 weeks.

They have double the SOCs, 4km,8km,12km,16km and 24km route marches (more than PES A), double the IFCs...etc

And I don't think the SGT are very slack and forgiving, at least not in my time, my PC is worse.

My time was still the cookhouse food, cook house duty..etc.

No catering and nice aunties asking you if the food is enough or not. And even ask you to rate the food.

Gone are the days of "cold yam cake", "bland Milo", "fishball noodles with one fishball"...etc

When you had to clean the big pots in the cookhouse, you will appreciate your mom asking you to clean only the "small" pots in your house.

The parent's visiting day was the first day, I remembered seeing PRAWNS! and EGGS! for the first time.
Yes, Eggs was a rarity and considered to be very lucky if it is served.

The newer camps (I think Camp 4 and 5) that was built near the Ladang Jetty may be more comfortable, I guess.

keke..no offence but i'm talking about my time larrr...

Originally posted by eug
CO :angry: see confirm the PC will be Storeman ...

oeiii.......... i'm a storeman, ok? Don't think storeman all PC rejects, ok?

10 more days to tekong... i will miss sg~~~
so far got quite a number of stuff ready. my neighbours (now in airforce) gave me his army tshirt, singlets, shorts, socks medicinal oil, snake powder etc etc. so there's alot of things which I need not buy. think I just lack goggles.

i will miss u guys at cs...~~~~~~~~

Originally posted by Pokka
10 more days to tekong... i will miss sg~~~

u missed sg? i missed the spg... :D

bought my bata $4 slippers liao. heh :)
wat's spg?


Good luck to you. I sometimes wonder how I managed mine. Now into my last ICT, and still wondering what it is all about.

Whatever advise you get, the most important one is to 'stay alert and stay alive'.

haha....quarreling on the net(email incl) is an absolute no-brainer! even if u win, u're still retarded. :D

Everybody's NS experience will be different, so go in with a positive attitude and remember that although the time flies by so slowly, there's lots of learning to be done. No matter whether u'll end up as an officer, spec, man, instructor, whatever, you will still get the chance to learn how to deal with all sorts of different people. Try to retain the goodness in you and learn the skills that will allow you to go further in life.

Some facts (what i feel is true universally):

1. SAF is not as efficient as you expect from an organisation that sucks so much from our national budget.

2. Don't believe the crap you see on the advertisements.

3. The posting system is bullshit. Best trainees might end up far away from ocs. Unfortunate victim here but that you don't need to know the details.

4. Not all officers are good performers.

5. Not all low ranked soldiers are bad performers.

6. There are countless types of people with weird thinking processes. Don't classify them as aliens. They are usually as human as you are.

7. Respect your superiors although they might not deserve it.

8. Extras and confinements are not that bad afterall. Can save money.

9. Don't feel sad if everyone seems to have a more lobo NS life than yours. The worse it gets, the more you can potentially learn.

10.Most of the stuff you learn in NS can be applied later in your working life

Good luck!

all wells.
NS is a very good experience.
just remember if the going get tough, many people have already exp it and move on.

I enjoyed my NS very much.

looking back postings,-
-ITD Tekong camp 1
-SAFINCOS instructor
-3rd Guards
-82 Guards
-PL SGT then CSM
-Combat Recce Team

its the human side of NS that really touches me....
and it all happen with the same old buddies since secondary 4...we practically grew old together,...bout 20 years

thanks buddies....82 guards/13th brigade....1984-2002

Originally posted by Minority
BMT huh..

I think these days are easier.. I remember during my day.. the CPL throw my tray out of the window into the parade square and I have to go find it after runing round the parade square god knows how many times.

Then the whole platoon was made to carry our cupboards and assemble in the parade square and back. This is not forgeting to say that we have to retrive all our belongings from the center of the room which we had empty our cupboard. So needless to say I end up with someone else boots, underware , etc..

God it sure bring back memories... Oh yeah some funnies ones.. got a section mate made to stand by whole platoon slippers in the parade square.. and have to give command to turn the slippers left and right... hell I bet he won't forget it.

Hey, this sounds terribly familiar .... ;p

were you from Tekong ITD? Which year? I was there in 92' jan.

U will see the darkest side of human being. A bunch of young, ignorance, Idealistic...nops no..its Idiotic so call "specialist and officer" around. They claim they can lead......my foot!!!! (Oh maybe only a few good ones around....).

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