Finland: Mid winter

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New Member
Apr 19, 2009
I had to go for meetings to Finland mid January. I had couple of hours to take some shots only. Some to share here:

#1: Canal near the place I was born






Winter this year is much harder if I can say so: lower temperatures as -20 to -35 celcius for long time, much more snow than in tens of years perhaps. When I was there it had not been windy for a while and all trees and air cables were covered with thick snow. I was not luckiest with weather as it was a cloudy day. Made nature so black and white.

#4: Roads were like this, I was driving car 700km on icy roads


#5: Another street view


#6: Air cables looked so thick


#7 Old farm barn looked so great to me




#9 Trees were like from fairytale


I have 2-3 more to share later. Hope I can share what I experienced there.

Nice pictures. Everything looks so calm and peaceful.

Nice! Thanks for sharing. Coincidentally, I'll be going to Finland for holidays in a few hours time. Seeing your pics and all the snow is making me feel all the more excited.

Btw, any luck with the northern lights? ;p

Nice pictures. Everything looks so calm and peaceful.
Thank you. It is the beauty of Finland, especially in province.

Nice! Thanks for sharing. Coincidentally, I'll be going to Finland for holidays in a few hours time. Seeing your pics and all the snow is making me feel all the more excited.

Btw, any luck with the northern lights?
I hope you enjoy and you should as there is a realest real winter this year in Finland and now temperature is not too low any more. Northern lights, requires a clear sky and preferably a trip to north of Finland.

Do you do custom white balance for your camera to get such pure whites?
Sometimes, when I shoot in snow scenes, my white balance goes out of whack... :bsmilie:

Nice Pictures!;)

What is the temperature like in Finland?

Hopefully I can manage to see Snow in Japan Sapporo too.

Couple of photos from the village I was born. I have shown this church earlier, now covered w snow.



It was a cold day for funeral which they had on-going when I was taking shots.

#12: Vehicle for last ride on earth.


#13: And a final ride. When zooming the photo back at home I noticed there is one of my classmate I have not seen long time.


Thanks for sharing. #3 is the best of the series. :)

Do you do custom white balance for your camera to get such pure whites?
Sometimes, when I shoot in snow scenes, my white balance goes out of whack...
Not really but to get a good shot I take 3 shots w different settings and choose the best balanced. Still, I need to do some PP w layers if I want to get even some details from snow. It may still more challenging when sun shining depending from what direction. Sun gives too much contast easily.

Nice Pictures!

What is the temperature like in Finland?

Hopefully I can manage to see Snow in Japan Sapporo too.
Thank you. When I was there for few days I was lucky as it was -8 degrees celcius only as it had been few weeks some -25 to -35. Recently is has been anything from -5 to -20.

Thanks for sharing. #3 is the best of the series.
Thanks, it is my favourate, too. What I don't like is that I had to rush to take it as I was in a hurry. I could have found better details still, better composition, perhaps.

Wonderful feeling evoked by your pictures of a beautiful place. Even the funeral picture makes it seem like a nice sending off to the next life.
Thank you. I would say so, abit cold but beautiful really.

Great series, thanks for sharing and do drive safely! those roads look pretty slippery, dangerous to drive on.

Thank you, too. It is mandatory to have special winter tires in Finland. 2 types of them, soft compound w/out spikes or w spikes. You can go 140km/h still and feel is the same in situations than on rainy day in Singapore. You can speed but you cannot stop really fast. You may guess why most world rally champions come from Finland :).

#14 Door of Bell Tower

Once when we opened this door I saw first time my father's dead body wrapped in black carbage bag. I saw his bare feet first and recognised it is him. He got drowned previous day in a boat accident and I was there with an undertaker to undress him and to lay him in coffin. Behind this door I saw him last time in coffin before funeral, too.



Let's move on...this is a piece of old fence as they used to be in farms in old days.


Nice travel series:)

Tks for sharing

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