EOS 5D Dust problem?

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Senior Member
Apr 29, 2005
Need to check with users of EOS 5D if the camera suffers from dust problem?

Read in afew consumer reviews that 5D attracts more dust in the sensor and the viewfinder than other canon cameras. Thinking of getting the 5D, so your comments will be most useful. Thanks.

Need to check with users of EOS 5D if the camera suffers from dust problem?

Read in afew consumer reviews that 5D attracts more dust in the sensor and the viewfinder than other canon cameras. Thinking of getting the 5D, so your comments will be most useful. Thanks.

Hey Elixir,

I'm a professional wedding photographer who makes full use of my 5D, and i change my lenses anytime and anywhere. I have not encountered issues with dust that required extensive cleaning. I do make a check about a week before an important shoot is due, and clean it (blower or otherwise) if necessary. I clean the viewfinder and the exterior of the body with a big soft paintbrush. Dust is everywhere even if you don't see it. If the 5D is what you need, then by all means get it. Cleaning is part and parcel of photography, regardless of digital or film.

When I view at 100% crop shoots taken at aperture of f11 or smaller, I see specks of dust; but, I usually ignore them since my photos are printed at 5R or smaller size and I don't usually view them at 100% crop. Like Reflection, I clean my 5D with a large air blower before going out for shooting.

To me, the issue is not the dust, but rather how I handle it.

Hi Elixir,

I second Reflections comments. Initially, the dust was a bit of an eyesore and irritating but there are ways to work around it. If you need it, get it. Its a great camera to use. Hope that helps. Cheers!

I see. But just curious why the 5D is more prone to the dust problems. For 1D, there is weather-proofing, so I understand why it is keep off the dust. But for the rest (the likes of 20D,30D), dust do not get in as easily as the 5D. You think it is a design fault?

DO NOT USE A LARGE AIR BLOWER AND BLOW ONTO THE SENSOR. This is add more dust to the sensor.

You just need to pay attention when changing lens. Do not change lens in area with a lot of dust. Make sure you turn off the camera before you detach the lens. And have the other lens ready to be attached, attach lens to camera first beofre you don anything else to minimise the time when dust can get into your camera.

I see. But just curious why the 5D is more prone to the dust problems. For 1D, there is weather-proofing, so I understand why it is keep off the dust. But for the rest (the likes of 20D,30D), dust do not get in as easily as the 5D. You think it is a design fault?
I seriously have no idea. It is a problem if you think of it as a problem. Check out Deadpoet's tips on how to prevent dust from getting into your sensor/viewfinder. But one thing I do know is, the images are more important than the dust. LOL! ;)

DO NOT USE A LARGE AIR BLOWER AND BLOW ONTO THE SENSOR. This is add more dust to the sensor.

You just need to pay attention when changing lens. Do not change lens in area with a lot of dust. Make sure you turn off the camera before you detach the lens. And have the other lens ready to be attached, attach lens to camera first beofre you don anything else to minimise the time when dust can get into your camera.

Hey DP, haven't had any issues with using a blower on the sensor. Perhaps it's the way i do it. When i use the blower for the sensor, i always face the camera towards the ground hoping that gravity will do its job.:bsmilie: This method has worked for me so far. (*Results could vary from person to person.:bsmilie:)

Anyway, whatever it is, periodic maintenance is important and if you're not confident of cleaning it yourself...PLEASE...send it to Canon.

I'm using the 5D and don't have major issues with dust either. In fact, I think I had more sensor dust on my previous cams. Like the guys said, just be mindful where, when and how you change your lens. Don't think weather proofing makes that much of a difference w.r.t. sensor dust. Don't worry so much about it, just get the 5D if it suits your needs and take more pics.

all cam get dust lah
with the same carefullness the chance u get dust with 5D is just 1.6^2 = 256% more compared to the 40D loh
but the chance u get better picture maybe more than that?

my 5D sensor now got dust also, not sure how to clean yet. Not dare to touch it haha.

I see. But just curious why the 5D is more prone to the dust problems. For 1D, there is weather-proofing, so I understand why it is keep off the dust. But for the rest (the likes of 20D,30D), dust do not get in as easily as the 5D. You think it is a design fault?

I'm not so sure about that. I've heard of numerous 5D users complaining about dust. I don't find it a problem with that one I used. On the contrary, the 1D I used was more prone to dust. Luck I guess.

hmmm if blowing create more dust, any one tried vacuum instead? ;p

The 5D has similar dust issues as any other canon cameras i have used, i dont think it has terribly more dust. I believe how the camera is used and the environment in which it is used.
When I use my cameras in outdoor environment with much lens change, all of them will have the dust issue to certain extent even those with sensor cleaning ultrasonic.

My own way of doing it is to:

Use precautions when changing lens, as previously mentioned.

Clean the sensor only when absolutely nevessary, not like do every weekend for fun or being fussy. Most of the time large apertures i cant see much dust.

Use the blower to remove light dust during sensor cleaning.

Send the 5D to CSC for thorough cleaning every few months. Only $21, 2 hours.

No problem so far.

oh yes, when dust gets to the viewfinder, man! its a pain in the A** to remove those dust, very difficult.

Usually it is not a problem, until one speck went under my focusing screen I tried to clean the viewfinder myself. Bad move. The static makes things worse. A little bit of dust can be very easilly seen in the viewfinder.

Let the CSC people help, they can clean it efficiently and hassle free

So far so good, not much of an dust problem. and using blower also doesnt create more problems... :sweat:

Get visibledust sensor cleaner! :thumbsup:

i have not cleaned my 5D since i bought it till now. i take note not of changing lens in a dusty place. So far, i did not see any significant dust on my mirror or sensor till today. =)

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