Enlisting 22 Oct.. ANYONE? :)

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How the heck did you cabot your reservist ippt when you are already attending reservist? Or do you jsut mean normal ippt?

lol 22 OCT is the day im gonna answer my charge for Cabot-ing my reservist IPPT. My army boots lost liao. dont know where already.

lol thanks everyone..! sad la all either ORD or ROD.. haha long way ahead for me! *...haiz..*

lol 22 OCT is the day im gonna answer my charge for Cabot-ing my reservist IPPT. My army boots lost liao. dont know where already.
lolx, from your username, I thought you like Sispec a lot. (Sispec -Ho (good in hokkien))
I have size 8 boots for cheap sale if u like, not used at all, not even in BMT. :p

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chervron is near which part of jurong east?

Near to IBP. Below IMM, there is a BIG cross junction. Chervron is on the side going towards clementi. :)

never been there b4....:think:

:bsmilie: Well, you should go, if you still have the chance to. :bsmilie:

i've been in your footsteps nearly 2 yrs ago bro.. BUT..


not yet la.. 55 days more. ;)

any questions you hve? maybe we can help you with them.

But just a little advice for TS.
Remember one thing, being a recruit is the lowest level of life form in the planet.
Even a cockroach has more dignity. :sweatsm:

But just a little advice for TS.
Remember one thing, being a recruit is the lowest level of life form in the planet.
Even a cockroach has more dignity. :sweatsm:

yep.. the ants have more purpose in life than you. :bsmilie:

don't scare our new enlistee. but life is so much better now compared to say, 10 years ago

don't scare our new enlistee. but life is so much better now compared to say, 10 years ago

definitely la.. But gotta prepare him mentally. No point say all the good things now. Then he enlist and realise all that we said were sugar-coated and then become depressed and wanna commit suicide la yada yada..

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