dry box for overseas?!

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Dec 2, 2007
hi guys im going overseas in july for studies bringing my dslr camera over to melbourne for probably a year plus do u tink my camera can survive inside the camera bag without a dry box? =s

Don't keep inside the bag when not using. Take it out, put on shelf or open area when not in use. Bring out regularly into the sun. That's it.

melbourne should be fine as it's not really quite as humid as singapore. yeah, do take the camera out of the bag, and leave it to dry. But bringing a dry box should be a better option methinks

Yeah it's pretty dry in Australia.. have several friends who don't place their DSLR in dry cabinet and still working well plus free of fungus. :)

If you are going to use it very often then maybe u can do away with the drybox...

should be totally fine. If Melbourne's weather is anything like the UK, it'll be very dry most of the time. The difference in humidity is day and night compared to Singapore.

Vietnam... no need.

was there for 8 days. Temperature changes from 8~20~32~20~10~8 degrees in a day... Does not affect the lens though.


hi does anyone have any idea if i should bring a dry box for a trip to vietnam?

No. Why does everyone think that they need to bring dry boxes overseas for a trips? If you're on a holiday or photo trip, you are going to be using the camera every day.

Unless you are staying for an extended time in a humid country, there is really no need.

No. Why does everyone think that they need to bring dry boxes overseas for a trips? If you're on a holiday or photo trip, you are going to be using the camera every day.

Unless you are staying for an extended time in a humid country, there is really no need.

Thanks for your replies! :)

I'm clueless about this as I heard horror stories about lens getting mouldy and such. Hence I would like some opinion about it.

hi guys im going overseas in july for studies bringing my dslr camera over to melbourne for probably a year plus do u tink my camera can survive inside the camera bag without a dry box? =s

Hi, there is no need to use dry box/ dry cabinet here. I remember
many years back I brought a dry box with me, and I religiously stored
my equipment in it after every use. Then one day I forgot to close it,
and a week later I realised that the RH was actually pretty alright!

In my opinion, you probably just need a box for you to keep your
equipment in so that they don't get dusty. I left mine inside my
camera bag and they're fine!

enjoy the weather! it's unpredictable... instead of packing drybox, you
might want to pack a few cardigans and scarfs!


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