D90 or D200?

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Apr 6, 2008
I'm looking to upgrade from a d50 and was bent on the d90 at first. however, now looking at the price of the d200 used, i might just reconsider.

I'd really appreciate some opinions over the differences. yes d200's more solid built, faster fps but the d90 is newer, larger screen, lighter, anything else?

You may include the following into your consideration
-- D200 can't do live video capturing.
-- D200 is a battery guzzler camera body
-- D200 was released before D90, hence older technology
-- D200's ISO1600 performance varies
-- D200's Active Lighting only accessible via RAW and CaptureNX processing

D90. One good thing about Nikon is that their new models generally render the older models obsolete. Correct me if I'm wrong...

i think i'm caught in a similar situation, i'm not sure if calvin is debating the same thing. Instead of D90 vs D200, i'm looking at second hand D300 instead. maybe calvin can look in this direction instead.

If you want better IQ, ISO performance, live-view, video mode = D90
I can't find a reason for D200 atm unless it best suits your budget, want a more tank-like body or you want to use legacy lens WITH metering(this should be a deal-breaker for some)
else go for D300 like what khaiseng said.

that said, the sensor of D90 is really one of THE BEST for a consumer level dSLR.

I'd vote for D90 :thumbsup: though I prefer the colour of the D200 prints..
build and spec-wise, D200 is superior.. AF is faster and metering seems to be better (at least matrix metering).. custom menu banks can store 4 sets of preferred settings.. able to hook with battery pack.. AE/metering with very old lenses..
but battery drains very fast.. if you are JPEG shooter, pics are soft & ISO 800+ shots are quite noisy :(

D90 is newer(2nd gen product), fantastic 3" VGA LCD, live view & 24fps video, compatible with 15$ wireless remote, in-camera correction of CA for JPEG pics, active D-lighting.. etc.. and many new gadgets to play with :)

D200 is oredi a RIP body. On one hand, the body is sturdily-built but on the other hand, it can be pretty heavy with lens mounted. Battery life for D200 sux. Either get an extra battery or a batt grip (which acts weight to the already-heavy body).

I cant see any reason why u would choose D200 over D90... other than budget constraint, maybe.

between the 2, i would go for D90 anyday.... :)

is this mr tang? haha
anyway i would choose a d90 anytime. u will be convinced if u tried it b4.

i would go for the d90 too. if you don't have the budget, you can perhaps save up a bit more

the d90 has better IQ and ISO performance due to the newer sensor technology

if you really think of getting the d200, might as well also save up a bit more to go for a used d300

The only benefits of a D200 over my current D90:
1) Much better (i.e. pro) exterior buttons and controls layout
2) Usage of older manual lenses

The pros of the D90 over the D200 has already been mentioned by guys here extensively :)

D90 just for the IQ ;)

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