Carbon fibre and sea water

Indeed a good idea. Get 1 each time you enter or leave the mall, recently it's very easy since it rains almost everyday. :bsmilie:

Hahaha. But just heard on the radio that the rainy days will soon be over. Have to head out again to collect before it's too late.:bsmilie:

alamak! im definitely not someone who pampers his gear la. was just thinking salt water + carbon fibre might cause some interesting reactions. thanks for the user feedback though, gonna go trash some carbon fibre legs this weekend!

That can be done.
But be careful when you take it apart as there is 2 small black pieces plastics at each section which can be easily misplaced.
I show it to one person when I was down at TK Foto teaching him how to maintain the CF tripod.

Just to share, the black plastic is call tripod bushing.

Just a warning to those are striping Sirui Tripod, these tripod bushing are very fragile. I broke mine before. :cry: But TK foto was kind enough to replace them FOC. :thumbsup: even without showing them my warranty card.

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alamak! im definitely not someone who pampers his gear la. was just thinking salt water + carbon fibre might cause some interesting reactions. thanks for the user feedback though, gonna go trash some carbon fibre legs this weekend!

I think good maintenance can help to make your gears last longer.