Best Ultrazoom prosumer cam?

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asturias105 said:
wah.. a non-dslr cam can actually produce such shallow DOF? :thumbsup: !

:p. Well, I took two to three shots before getting it right.Luckily the sunlight was not too bright, used S-AF and just my cam's macro mode, and a tripod.Iso was 200.

nikon coolpix 8800, can't go wrong. :D with metal alloy body it has a very rigid, solid and pro feel to it. 8MP, 35-350mm VR (anti-shake). can't go wrong.

asturias105, those butts shots that I took were with C-750, an olympus ultrazoom, fitted w nikon 3T. I hope that Olympus will introduced new ultrazoom with IS.

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