a-photo-a-day for 2006

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Stereobox said:
yea lor..i'm afraid we might have to start season #2 if this goes on

:think: i'm thinking we can OT here, and post a link back to our own PAD/PAW/SPAM projects .. so people can follow the conversations?

that's a good idea!

Yo StereoB & AngelZ,

Thought I'd bring this OT here. I did a minor adjustment to your pic, with permission given by StereoB ;)

So here's my take, I guess I just like pics with higher contrast ... Please don't flame me ;p


Your original is here:


wiz23 said:
Yo StereoB & AngelZ,

Thought I'd bring this OT here. I did a minor adjustment to your pic, with permission given by StereoB ;)

So here's my take, I guess I just like pics with higher contrast ... Please don't flame me ;p


Your original is here:


i prefer the original, softer pinks give a dreamier more romantic feel IMHO.

U're right, zaren. The original gives a more dream-like feel ... I guess i just like higher contrast pics, which might be against the original theme of the pic ... Sorry, SB & AZ :embrass:

wiz23 said:
U're right, zaren. The original gives a more dream-like feel ... I guess i just like higher contrast pics, which might be against the original theme of the pic ... Sorry, SB & AZ :embrass:

don't say sorry!! :nono:

firstly, u were given free play to freely re-express and interpret the picture, regardless of the original theme.

second, i was actually looking forward to how u gonna do it leh.:think:

wiz23 said:
U're right, zaren. The original gives a more dream-like feel ... I guess i just like higher contrast pics, which might be against the original theme of the pic ... Sorry, SB & AZ :embrass:

hey, sorry for what?! XD

Me myself really love it when people ask for permission to interpret my pix ( cauntion hor, ask for permission --> not anyhow take take and ps ps T___T ) It's an honour for me and I believe stereobox has the same thinking too.

Personally I prefer contrast in most shoot specially black and white, however for certain case I prefer something as soft as it is.

But yours have another 'meaning' too somehow. Reminds me of student's works when he did a study on leg.

Thanks, guys :) Actually I didn't do much to your pic ... I only converted to monochrome & increased the contrast. Considered B&W, but decided sepia had a nostalgic feel which i like ...

as january draws to a close, i would like to congratulate all APAD/APAW'ers for surviving the first month of this project. only 11 more months to go! ;p

zaren said:
as january draws to a close, i would like to congratulate all APAD/APAW'ers for surviving the first month of this project. only 11 more months to go! ;p

thanks auntie XD

to be honest i almost give up =p

AngelZhou said:
thanks auntie XD

to be honest i almost give up =p

dun give up! keep on going! ;p

AngelZhou said:
basicly now i got no camera n my photoshop somehow error T____T now it's very taugh for me.

eh ...how come no camera?

no photoshop nvm....just download irfanview for free. that's what i use all the time anyway.

zaren said:
eh ...how come no camera?

no photoshop nvm....just download irfanview for free. that's what i use all the time anyway.

or Gimp (but personally i hate the interface)

but actually she needs photoshop to open and edit NEF files. somehow there's error in both nikon and photoshop for her :dunno:

her camera broke...haven't repair for her yet :sweat:

and she refuses to use mine cos she 'don't like it' :bsmilie:

but i'm pretty sure she can go on.

right honey? :thumbsup: :)

Stereobox said:
or Gimp (but personally i hate the interface)

but actually she needs photoshop to open and edit NEF files. somehow there's error in both nikon and photoshop for her

her camera broke...haven't repair for her yet

and she refuses to use mine cos she 'don't like it' :bsmilie:

but i'm pretty sure she can go on.

right honey? :thumbsup: :)

on one hand it's disheartening not to have a fav cam or software available...but on the other hand it's an opportunity to see how one can shoot in adversity. much more of a challenge, and mebbe much more of a self discovery as well. i'm also confident she can go on! ;p

zaren said:
on one hand it's disheartening not to have a fav cam or software available...but on the other hand it's an opportunity to see how one can shoot in adversity. much more of a challenge, and mebbe much more of a self discovery as well. i'm also confident she can go on!

couldn't have said it any better! :thumbsup:

on a separate note, she has been getting quite a heavy load from her school and personal life. i mentioned this is because i just felt i need to share this with you guys: she's coping very very well already. and she always manage to make time for me somehow.

thanks honey :hearts:

( :ipuke: ) :bsmilie:

somehow, working together on this project has given each other yet another dimension and perspective (eg from the kind folks on the APAD project) to our relationship :)

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