85mm f1.4 Nikkor or Zeiss?

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AFAIK, there are 6 variants of CZ 1.4/85 T* - AEG, AEJ, MMG, MMJ, Contax N and the present Zeiss ZF, ZF2, ZM, ZK, ZE. All have different characteristics. The MMG and Contax N are quite hard to come by. Only the MMJ, Contax N and Zeiss can still be serviced by Kyocera. The Nikkor AI-S 85mm have CRC so has the closest MFD.

As what others mentioned, there is also the Samyang 85/1.4 To make it more fun, there is also the Pentax 85/1.4, Leica Summilux 80/1.4. Have fun deciding which you want. :)

Solely on the Nikkor vs CZ, I do not have the former but I read that it is soft at f1.4 and f2. The CZ is sharp from f2 onwards.

P/s: remember to add in mount conversion cost into your consideration such as the ones from Leitax.

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TS should not overlook the 2 Nikkor 105s, 105mmf1.8 AiS and 105mmf2.5 AiS. They are much cheaper but still wonderful lenses, extremely good for portraits wide open.

This review compares the CZ with the Canon 85/1.2. The beginning of the article mentions a future article comparing the Nikkor, but I don't think it was done since I can't find it.

Here are the reviews from Photozone


Anyone knows which local shop has started selling CZ lens with the latest ZF2 mount?

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