$500 fine for boarding a full MRT

Throw in the woman charters in Singapore....

It will be = Death Sentenced! :sweat:

Master Sion has no fear of death and the death sentence will not deter him. He may even disguise as a woman to get on the "women only" train if it is introduced here.


You see, the problem is they think in silo. The makers of the rule forget that on the inside, the entire train is connected. Commuters move from one cabin to the next. They cannot just think of 1 particular cabin. Removing few persons from cabin #3 will ease congestion for cabins #2, 3, 4 , etc.... So how does the SMRT officer decide who to eject from the MRT train and which cabin does he choose?
Sure, hold the train to overcome this silo thinking and beg commuters to move from one cabin to another. In the meantime, during rush hour, the next train is held back to play this game. Works as an iOS game (Theme Train Station, maybe?) but not reality.

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The fine is to act as a deterrent... that's their mentality... and easy way out... They have to resolve the transportation issue, and making us pay more when these issues are still out there is simply... ridiculous... In case you guys are still not aware.... GE is usually a 5 yrs period. Year 1 & 2, they tend not to act, as the promise to voters still is fresh to everyone, and wayang, and postpone, etc.... In the 3rd year, the heaviest increases will usually happens, and by year 4 and 5, they will add in some sweetener to try to make the pain bearable... it is a psychological game.... (If you think I am politicizing every thread, I am sorry, but this is psychological game that is used and I am highlighting the psychological aspect of the game only and why they will use 3rd year for all these.) As a commuters, I usually see a lot of space inside, but those people do not want to move in... so can I force my way in since it is not filled? or full? Have you encounter "JERKS" who occupy 2 standing space because they watching i-pad? And poke you with their electronic devices? Is there a law against user using these on the Train?? Are we gonna have CCTV fr every incident? If I am late, and they refuse to move in... I could be fired, warning letter, and is SMRT gonna fine me too $500?? It is because after waiting for 3 trains, and I still cannot board it? Tell me how retarded this sounds.


So what's people being jerks got to do with a particular offense being talked about and politics?

I'm afraid you've lost me in your huge leaps of logic.


So what's people being jerks got to do with a particular offense being talked about and politics?

I'm afraid you've lost me in your huge leaps of logic.

Isn't it a law that's why have fine for $500??

I think with further congestion and density of our population we may have to introduce "Aunties Only" trains to portect them from you. :bsmilie:

My current job is to protect company's employees from whatever harm.

OMG, I didn't aware of some of the rules, until read the last sat newspaper :sweat:

Entering or remaining in train when it is full, I think you can get this fine almost everyday :bsmilie: