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New Member
Aug 9, 2010
don't mind me but this ain't entirely on the model but more of the environment we were shooting at.

need to improve, please leave me some comments.







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shots are taken with nikon d60 18-55mm kit lens and canon s95.

colour fringing on her fringe!!!!(pic4) haha, sorry, i m jus bein lame...

haha no problem though i don't quite get what you mean ;p

I like #6 :)

haha we just had a tann on christmas so i hope that explains

how would you want your photography to be improve ? I dont really understand what you want to capture in your series above

I don't really quite view it together as a series since I didn't take those photo with an intent of a theme. More of in individual shots that were shot lazy all at the same venue hahhahaha

regardless of series or individuals, you may need to go back to basic. Most of ur pic are Oof and smack at the centre. need to learn to more abt lightings and compositions.

Yea I thought so too but what do you mean smack at the centre? Try to observe the rule of a third?

ok thanks

post 8 and post 9 is nice.....

Maybe the lack of focus on the subject.
I dosen't seems to get what your pictures wanted to interpret to us.
Just my two cents. No offence though.

Hi tanglewire~~

giving my 2 cents.

you said you were focused more on the environment. i don't really see the emphasis on it. i see more emphasis based on the "playfulness" of the model, there's also a weak emphasis that the model's the subject.

i suppose the only one that i would say is ok is #8, and #1. but #1 could be improved by getting more colors in (the colors are desaturated), placing her near the horizon and getting rid of the bush in front of her. because of the color, and what she wears, she blends in with the road and foliage.

and follow the rules of composition! rule of thirds, leading lines (#1 with improvements) etc.

thanks for the advise

I like no.5. The focus should be on the flower if I am not wrong? I would do a gentle blur on the rest of the picture and keep the flower sharp.

Hi, just curious, can i know where's this location?