10D got eye control?

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Probably the successor of the 10D - DiGiC Processor II and faster Auto-focus

Guess all cameras have eye control...just not like the ones in Dynax or EOS 3, 30 .... you need an eye to control the focus, aperture, shutter speed.... ;)

Sorry mate for the joke...but seriously 10D does not have eye selective focus areas....

Have a good weekend ahead

hmmm... the rumoured replacement for 10D, the EOS 3 series might be true then. Think eye control is a cool feature. But imagine you were taking events shots and suddenly a beautiful gal walked past and you lookd at her through the view finder!! kakaka....lost focus??? :bsmilie:

RossChang said:

what's an eye control?...

pls, dun laught, I know nuts abt these things...

read all about with the eos50E, eos30 and eos3.
the cam uses your eye to determine the focus point.

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