Recent content by lightsaber

  1. L

    D90 vs D300 Nightshoot ISO3200 w/o crop

    Reviews reviews.... Here is one from dpreview on D90... "Picking the images apart to find differences between cameras reveals it's (D90) not quite a half-price D300 but that was a camera we described at the time as being best semi-professional digital SLR on the market, setting the bar...
  2. L

    Which is an honest, reliable shop in Funan/Peninsula?

    I go to Camera Workshop quite often. Nelson is quite a good guy, I talk to him most often. Their prices are sometimes the lowest, though not always. I do agree about John 3:16 though, very friendly guys. Once or twice they quote a marginally higher price than the lowest I got but they never...
  3. L

    Why Nikon need to update the D60

    Maybe D69... Hehehe... That would be a little saucy :D
  4. L

    Why Nikon need to update the D60

    I do agree that that in essence, perhaps only one AF point is required. Some accomplished photographers may not even need AF because they use MF lenses. ...and people were happily taking pictures before metering, WB, Image Processing and other features were included in a camera. While not...
  5. L

    Why Nikon need to update the D60

    Hehe, sorry I wasn't taking pictures during the F5 era... I think you brought up a very interesting point. It is true that sometimes technology can help as much as hinder you. This is true even for other things apart from camera.
  6. L

    Why Nikon need to update the D60

    I think you guys have a point. Weight may benefit some advanced photographer and I think Nikon already has a great offerings in the likes of D90, D300, D700 and D3 in that market. Some photographers love a sturdy well built camera packing all the features even though it costs five arms and three...
  7. L

    Why Nikon need to update the D60

    I do agree that the D60 is meant for beginners who may not care about many advanced features. However, I think that this role should be given to the D40 or its upgrade. There is however a market segment wedged in between beginner and the slightly heavier cameras like the D90 and the 50D...
  8. L

    Angie : In natural light

    #5 is simple but nice. Less dramatic but very even and natural lighting.
  9. L

    Offensive photography?

    Just to add... In my opinion, a good photographer tells a story and many knows what story he/she is telling... A great photographer provokes a reaction, and many may not understand their own reaction :D
  10. L

    Offensive photography?

    The thing is, different people gets offended by different things.... To add to the complexity, offensiveness can be of "n" number of dimensions. There are many ways a person can get offended in many different contexts and in many different conditions, situations, timing, mood, weather, etc...
  11. L

    Why Nikon need to update the D60

    With the reduction in price for 450D and the arrival of the extremely capable 1000D, I think Nikon need to upgrade the D60 in the near future. And here are the reasons why and my wish list in the D60 successor: - The D90 is a welcome upgrade to the D80, however it is a bit big compared to...
  12. L

    D90 vs D300 Nightshoot ISO3200 w/o crop

    Hi, A very interesting thread, I just thought it would be useful to contribute a little. I think Nikon is positioning these two cameras at slightly different markets. So there are some differences in features between these two. In other words, you pay a bit more for a few extra features. These...
  13. L

    Nikon D300 vs Canon 50D

    Hi, If this question was posted a few years ago, I believe the answer would have been a little more obvious, Canon. However, recently there has been tremendous technology and design advances made by Nikon, a clear "winner" between these few are often difficult to identify. Let's just...
  14. L

    WTSell: DSLR - Canon 30D Body Only

    Sold to a great enthusiast who knows his equipment well. After inspecting in great details with two lenses, I am really glad that he finds the camera in a very good and clean condition, calling it a "good deal". Thanks to everyone for the interest and bids.