Is it a good timing to buy resale flat now?

No, the Ah Pek Agent did not show me the valuation report. He said he forgot to bring.
Wondering is he trying to test market, if have ppl willing to pay for 50k then he can brainwash the owner to sell and buy a another one?

That ah pek agent is not testing water, he is making people nervous and wants them to place a deposit. This is one of the common tactics. One way to bring down the house price is to examine the house and point out all the faults especially those lightings and stuffs in toilets.

How old is the flat? if it is around 30 years, don't bother. The renovation will cost you a big bomb unless you do not have to renovate.

Am very upset with those Property agent. Now their business super hot became very attitude. Most of them unwilling to co-broke, even Co-broke, chances so small. They prefer to deal with buyer directly.

haiz... guess better buy BTO.. Far and got to wait 4yrs.

Agent greedy...... take 2% from seller and also want 1% from buyer. If they deal with buyer directly, buyer have to pay the agent 1% for agency fee. Greedy..

Resale flats are way tooo EX. i just ballot for the BTO in punggol. 4 room ard 400k. it's just next to punggol mrt. but i think chances are slim la, cuz the ratio is 18:1. hahahaha

Resale flats are way tooo EX. i just ballot for the BTO in punggol. 4 room ard 400k. it's just next to punggol mrt. but i think chances are slim la, cuz the ratio is 18:1. hahahaha

4 room flat 400k ?new or resale? if new, also not cheap lar.

4 room flat 400k ?new or resale? if new, also not cheap lar.

??? why if new also not cheap lar?

does it mean if resale considered cheap?

Like people saying selling 24-70mm lens at $2k. If brand new $2k too expensive. But if used, $2k is a good price :)

??? why if new also not cheap lar?

does it mean if resale considered cheap?

Like people saying selling 24-70mm lens at $2k. If brand new $2k too expensive. But if used, $2k is a good price :)

Man, you are confused.. So far, HDB flat do not drop in value. At least so far I gathered.

The way gahment priced the new flat are using price of resale flat in the region and apply some discount. So, new flat will always be cheaper that surrounding resale flat.

Currently my col's husband a agent is helping me already. giving up soon.. waiting for BTO seem much better idea.. haiz.. 4yrs is a very very long time

Yes, it's a good idea to go for BTO, but keep a lookout of what's happening during this time. Who knows, there may be a crash, and you can go into the market even before you get your BTO unit.

That's why I said, if time is on your side, then it's always good to hold the horse. All price that goes up will ultimately come down.

Clementi Ave 2, 5-room resale flat, selling for 600k + 100k COV... sounds 'cheap' to me. LOL! Interesting times we live in.

Clementi Ave 2, 5-room resale flat, selling for 600k + 100k COV... sounds 'cheap' to me. LOL! Interesting times we live in.

wow such "cheap" price!!!

but still can sell as many new singaporeans will buy!!!

Clementi Ave 2, 5-room resale flat, selling for 600k + 100k COV... sounds 'cheap' to me. LOL! Interesting times we live in.

That's why price can only go up. If people buy at that price, they will just hold until they can get above that price and make a profit before selling. Most Singaporeans are not overcommitted thus can afford to wait, and I felt the economic downturn here wasn't enough to push the prices down. Few people forced to sell, others just hold it out, unlike in some of our neighbouring countries.

Shanghai, everyone been speculating about bubble bursting for so long until old news already. You'd expect the situation to be much much worse there... but sale is just slowing down. :dunno: Looks like there are still people buying and selling.

HDB prices climbed 3.8% in Q2. Biting now, or later?

the mah guy say imbalance:bsmilie: ya... so he will make it balance with more BTOs... :bsmilie: but he dunno the supply he is providing is 4 yrs later ...:bsmilie:

i never heard of balancing the supply and demand but supply is 4 yrs later and demand is like now... i think 4 yrs later we will see average COV 100K... new 4rm from HDB 500K...

the mah guy say imbalance:bsmilie: ya... so he will make it balance with more BTOs... :bsmilie: but he dunno the supply he is providing is 4 yrs later ...:bsmilie:

i never heard of balancing the supply and demand but supply is 4 yrs later and demand is like now... i think 4 yrs later we will see average COV 100K... new 4rm from HDB 500K...

i am preparing the worst, that is staying till i die..... as i sell also no use, all back to the new home with more debts....

i think the next generation need to apply for flat when they in uni already... oh wait, do they know who is they lifelong partner? must pay 5% :eek:

okok... work a few yrs save money for wedding, housing down payment... oh 3 yrs already aya change gf liao...finally found my true love... ok ok apply for flat, try 2 yrs finally get, wait another 4 yrs...

thanks to our mah guy, we have to plan early, still end up settling down in our thirties... low birth rate then blame us :thumbsup:

we need 100K FT, so where they stay ah...

i think they have done a good job :thumbsup:

cant wait when my kids ask me for 200K COV to buy a house...

we need to save for so many reasons, and all valid, think best strategy is buy bigger house now, suffer now, enjoy later.

we need to save for so many reasons, and all valid, think best strategy is buy bigger house now, suffer now, enjoy later.

That would be good and well... if you can afford the bigger house now. ;)

i think the next generation need to apply for flat when they in uni already... oh wait, do they know who is they lifelong partner? must pay 5% :eek:

okok... work a few yrs save money for wedding, housing down payment... oh 3 yrs already aya change gf liao...finally found my true love... ok ok apply for flat, try 2 yrs finally get, wait another 4 yrs...

thanks to our mah guy, we have to plan early, still end up settling down in our thirties... low birth rate then blame us :thumbsup:

we need 100K FT, so where they stay ah...

i think they have done a good job :thumbsup:

cant wait when my kids ask me for 200K COV to buy a house...

Don't worry too much about it; by that time, all the policies would have changed already :bsmilie:

I'm sure during our parent's time, they never thought they'd have to cough up 30k COV for us also.

Can't cough up? You can always wait a couple of years. Yeah, I had to sort out the 5k when I didn't marry the person I thought I would 15 years ago also.

this mah screw up the whole property market. worse, he screw up many Singaporean couple's dream.

BTO 95% for first timer, too late to savalge the situation. he screw up big time.

now seriously, for home owners who are in 30s and 40s, pls do not sell.......... you will suffer more..... those little money cannot save you......