Where can print B&W on B&W papers?

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May 11, 2004
I'm toying with the idea of getting back into hand-coloured and painted B&W prints.

In the past, I used to do my own printing or get places like Fee Fee to print for me.

Is there anywhere that still does basic B&W prints on B&W papers ... except from digital files?

I'm not sure if this has been asked before...

Mods, if this is in the wrong section, can help me move please? I thought digital darkroom, but then it involves handprinting...then if i go to trad darkroom, what about the digital aspect? Where to go?

Riceball, Konota, Ruby. :) in peninsular plaza and peninsular excelsior

That's great! Thanks antitrust!

Not forgetting the ever popular B&W maestro, Desmond Kwan....

Not forgetting the ever popular B&W maestro, Desmond Kwan....

Bro the topics was printing on B&W traditional papers (output) from a digital file (input). Unless Desmond has upgrade his enlargers to LCD projection/optical heads (ie the Devee and other makes heads) he cannot even touch this from a digtial file input. How is he by the way ?Actually when Afga was still alive in the 2000+ they had a traditional black and white paper in rolls for use in mini lab machinces fitted with B&W chemistry unfortunate that the volume for this was so small that product never made it here. No idea on the feel of that paper since I came across this in some of their technical/sales catalogs. No idea if the reformed Afga kept this product line. For the TS - maybe your best bet is to get this printed on inkjets - not the home ones but the large format ones with the right paper your could hand color reasonably well. Getting in hand color inks could be a headache - since spotone (the shades of gray spotting pen people went out of biz a couple of years back no idea if Marshall ? follow along).

Thanks for the additional input guys.

Sighz...looks like the most viable way is to output a trad neg from a digital file and hand print it. Still costly and bleah.

I might have to see how modern colour emulsions stand up to sandpapering and hand tinting (never tried before but who knows! :cool: )

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