Favourites of APAD (discussion)

reminder that nominations for Favourites of the Week (11 Jun - 17 Jun) is now open! nomination private messages can be sent to any of the 3 APAD SUs from today till coming tuesday, 19 Jun, 2359 hr.


just about 3 more hours to closing of nominations for the week 11 Jun - 17 Jun, keep them coming!


nomination for the week 18 Jun - 24 Jun is open till tomorrow 2359 hr :)

btw have received feedback from members regarding the format of this exercise, there may be change in method of running this experimental project, do feel free to add ideas and feedback in this thread for discussion to make the project more interesting for all members :)

Just a suggestion for discussion.

Would a weekly theme(s) for members to submit images be useful?

With the large variety of images seen so far, it is probably tough for members and especially the moderators to judge/select 3 images for the FOTW. Many images are indeed very good in their respective categories.

One or more theme(s) would make the playing field more level. It also gives all, especially beginners, a fighting chance. There would be a focus on the type of images to look forward to. Furthermore, judging/selection would be easier by ruling out images that do not fit the theme.

Themes could either be drawn up in advance, or could be suggested by selected image authors a few weeks in advance.

What do the rest think?

thanks laokayu for the feedback :thumbsup:

let me just share the format of weekly assignment from 2 other photography websites alot of us probably know ...

Fred Miranda's website has weekly and monthly themed contests. pictures are not limited to genre, and i have seen many impressive works submitted. don't think we can bring the exact format over to CS since over there each participant has his/her own thread for contest entry. Fred chooses the pictures and put them up for public voting in a separate thread.

to modify this we can start a sticky thread open to all for posting of weekly assignment entry, picture posting only and no comments. at the end of the week the SUs will together select a number of entries for public voting.

the only thing is that this will make it look very contest-like, but we have no prize to give away! :sweat:

the other website, PBase, they have weekly assignments, where the winner of the previous assignment choose a topic for the next assignment and picks the winner, who will carry on the same thing.

just for reference. keep the ideas coming in :cheers:

does the lack of response signal a need to change the format? :think: do feel free contribute any ideas you may have :)

i feel that the current format should not be changed. i.e. ANY subject/theme is fine. it is quite challenging enough to consistently come up with photos every day to post in APAD. to impose a fixed theme for the week would make that even harder to come up with a photo for some members. what happens if they cannot find any photos to fit the theme for that week? does it mean that their other photos taken during the week (which may be excellent) do not qualify for the nomination/selection process for that week?

however, i do feel that a suggested (non-compulsory) weekly theme is a good idea, to help any members who are struggling with inspiration or ideas to give them an idea of what to shoot that week. as it stands, some members have exercised their own initiative to form their own photography themes/challenges, e.g. shooting with vistaquest, or solely in b&w etc.

as far as the selection of photos is concerned, it is not a problem to shortlist photos because the ones with greater impact stand out readily from the rest, regardless of theme or subject matter. i do not think that restricting members to a weekly theme will necessarily speed up the photo nomination or selection process.

Do a mix;

Have 3 normal open categories, and 1 set category. This way everyone can have fun, whether busy or free. =)

like that, our SU will be very busy liao. :nono:
:bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Do binary division! (i.e. make more SUs)

Just one more theme only what, how about let the SUs start the ball rolling with ONE theme, and the winner for that week picks the next theme. Pretty easy! Of course with some restrictions la, later skally got 5 weeks all about flowers. =/

Should we based on theme, it has to be a general theme, like;
1. Landscape
2. Portrait
3. Around your neighborhood
4. Macro :lovegrin:

Just my 2c.

hmmm ... i like the idea of having themes as well ... but seems like it's going to be quite some work :bsmilie:

some suggestions, to make participation more active, i'm thinking of

1. having a sticky thread each week for each member to post his/her best entry from the week for selection, from there the SUs pick 3 best entries for posting inside the picture thread.

2. having a sticky thread each week for members to post themed entries. SUs will decide the first theme and pick 3 best entries for posting inside the picture thread. a best performer will be picked and he/she will decide the next theme and the next 3 best pictures, and the next winner as well.

just some ideas, not sure if it'll be workable, the first 3 pictures will be more of SUs' choices of the week from the submissions, to simplify the work alittle (hope that's alright with everyone :sweat: ) the second one will be highly dependent on members' participation ;)

Huh? You mean having 2 sticky thread running at the same time? Wouldnt that go hay-wired? :think:

that's why i mentioned may or may not work :bsmilie:

anyway ... the nomination part does seem a little cumbersome as at current, maybe we advance a step at a time. i'm thinking of adding an entries thread for the current system. from Sunday to Tuesday, a thread specially for submission of entries will be opened for each member to submit the best work for the week, afterwhich nominations can be made base on the pictures in the particular thread. if participation rate is high, we'll try out the theme idea, how's that?

that's why i mentioned may or may not work :bsmilie:

anyway ... the nomination part does seem a little cumbersome as at current, maybe we advance a step at a time. i'm thinking of adding an entries thread for the current system. from Sunday to Tuesday, a thread specially for submission of entries will be opened for each member to submit the best work for the week, afterwhich nominations can be made base on the pictures in the particular thread. if participation rate is high, we'll try out the theme idea, how's that?

Its worth a try.

that's why i mentioned may or may not work :bsmilie:

anyway ... the nomination part does seem a little cumbersome as at current, maybe we advance a step at a time. i'm thinking of adding an entries thread for the current system. from Sunday to Tuesday, a thread specially for submission of entries will be opened for each member to submit the best work for the week, afterwhich nominations can be made base on the pictures in the particular thread. if participation rate is high, we'll try out the theme idea, how's that?

i think it is a better solution
i submission thread,
members submit their best image via PM to SU
images posted on a thread without members nicks by SU
how about a poll to get the most popular image

totally transparent