X-pro1 v X-T1

zeljko x10

New Member
Apr 8, 2012
Hi there.
I have X10 and X-S1 plus couple of Nikons (D7000 and 1V1) but have being craving for a XPro1 since they were released. Obviously I don't need all of the cameras and probably will have to sacrific one of them. Nikon D 7000 I need for sport shots of my son ( goal keeper). 1V1 is handy as with the adopter I can use most of the Nikon lenses with magnification of 2.7.
X-10 is a gem and there is something about it. Does everything right and looks million dollar cam.
That leaves X-S1. Lovely camera. Does everything right plus long zoom, but I used it the least out of four. And I really like X-PRO1.
Only, now they have released X-T1 and I am thinking is the new one wort of sacrificing my love for X- Pro1?
Your thoughts!!!

Wait for x pro2

My advice is to sell the cams you do not use a lot. (ie X-S1)

Problem is with too many cameras, some will be under utilized. It won't be useful unless you are collectors. My take is shoot and understand your camera's weakness so that you can overcome it. Get use to it and fell comfortable with the camera is of most important. Maximum for me is 2 systems at a time.

Problem is with too many cameras, some will be under utilized. It won't be useful unless you are collectors. My take is shoot and understand your camera's weakness so that you can overcome it. Get use to it and fell comfortable with the camera is of most important. Maximum for me is 2 systems at a time.

Bro... when you mean 2 systems, do you mean like 2 cameras?

The is for your replay, mate

Sorry I meant 2 cameras, be it same systems.

Maintaining 2 systems is also very costly...

I got my bodies over the years (EOS), so I think beside understanding the camera, understanding the lens is also important, as different lens have different characteristic too.....

Hi there.
I have X10 and X-S1 plus couple of Nikons (D7000 and 1V1) but have being craving for a XPro1 since they were released. Obviously I don't need all of the cameras and probably will have to sacrific one of them. Nikon D 7000 I need for sport shots of my son ( goal keeper). 1V1 is handy as with the adopter I can use most of the Nikon lenses with magnification of 2.7.
X-10 is a gem and there is something about it. Does everything right and looks million dollar cam.
That leaves X-S1. Lovely camera. Does everything right plus long zoom, but I used it the least out of four. And I really like X-PRO1.
Only, now they have released X-T1 and I am thinking is the new one wort of sacrificing my love for X- Pro1?
Your thoughts!!!

IMO it is not even worth buying the XPro1 because of its out-dated sensor and auto focus issue. Wait for the XPro2, so far Fuji is doing fantastic with their product launches. For the meantime try selling ur other cams for the longer u keep them the more lower their values will be and keep the $$$.

IMO it is not even worth buying the XPro1 because of its out-dated sensor and auto focus issue. Wait for the XPro2, so far Fuji is doing fantastic with their product launches. For the meantime try selling ur other cams for the longer u keep them the more lower their values will be and keep the $$$.

If people are ditching their cameras just because they are "obsolete" and fear of losing money, they really shouldn't be buying cameras to begin with.

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Because there's a updated sensor on the xe2/xt1 doesn't mean that xtrans1 sensor is outdated. To be honest there really isn't much of a difference between the two compared to say 16mp vs 24mp or cropped vs FF. And to wait for Xpro2 is going to be a long wait since the boss said no xpro2 this year and the only floating rumour now is announcement in sept'14.

If people are ditching their cameras just because they are "obsolete" and fear of losing money, they really shouldn't be buying cameras to begin with.

here.. my like.. take it.

That's all good and I appreciate all of your comments. My issue is that I don't believe that camera that was so good 2 years ago should be regarded as old and out dated. As much as technology is changing, what was making excellent pictures 2 years ago should be making excellent pictures today.
XT-1 sounds like an awesome tool but my hart is leaning towards X-pro1. Optical view finder, size, range finder style and of corse price are deciding factors for me.

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U can find good deal for 2nd hand xpro 1. fun camera to use. Add gariz case & thumbs up grip for added comfort and solidness

Xt1/em1/a7 have similar functional design.

If people are ditching their cameras just because they are "obsolete" and fear of losing money, they really shouldn't be buying cameras to begin with.

I say we should just shoot with what we have... and enjoy it...

That's all good and I appreciate all of your comments. My issue is that I don't believe that camera that was so good 2 years ago should be regarded as old and out dated. As much as technology is changing, what was making excellent pictures 2 years ago should be making excellent pictures today.
XT-1 sounds like an awesome tool but my hart is leaning towards X-pro1. Optical view finder, size, range finder style and of corse price are deciding factors for me.

Wait for xpro1s or xpro2... Cos I am doing the same!

Nah, buy what you want now, the rumoured X-Pro2 could be ages away.
I relented, sold the A7R (cost reason only, it was a nice camera) and picked up another used X-Pro1, love it. Need to acquire some XF lenses, but happy as. Like has been said, use the camera you enjoy.

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