wt is the best Low-Light camera?

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New Member
Sep 10, 2008

I have Sone W35 and the main problem is that in low light conditions i get terrible shots

so i want to take a new camera ( compact/SLR-like/ dSLR ) which i can take night/low light shots without using a tripod and get great results
Live View is a must
AutoFocus and Image Stabilization as well
and i want it kinda easy to use.. without making lots of lots of choices be4 taking the shot..

my budget is 730$ max

i found these cameras and i hope tell me wt is the best 4 me

panasonic LX3
Canon G9

panasonic FZ28

Olympus 510/520 ( which i feel it is the best choice )
canon 450d

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Right now... Nikon D700 without a doubt...

Actually, if you come from a P&S, almost all DSLRs can take wonderful low-light pictures without tripod. There is a big difference between a P&S and a DSLR in terms of low-light performance.

May I know why you are leaning towards Olympus? :) Is it because of Image Stablisation?

1. Your ideal criterias are likely to be met with a dSLR, but not a compact/SLR-like cameras.

2. But you have to define "great results". The Fuji F31 is the champ amongst compacts for night shots, but a dSLR would trump it anytime.

3. Your range from a LX3 to a 450D is a kinda wide net. You got to narrow down, not only your stated preferences, but also your requirements.

Honestly if you have no idea which one to get, then it doesn't really matter.

If I were you, the dSLR is the way (but of course! ;)) Happy hunting!

thx 4 ur advice but it is very expensive
i dont want it to be more than 600$ at most

Yes that's it.. the IS and the easy of use
and i saw dpreview review and i thought it is the best choice with my budget and for my usage

I will take out FZ28 from the list of choices. I own an FZ18 and low-light is a horrifying experience. Unless you're willing to fire flashes like no one's business but you've only got build in flash to work on. Its F2.8 at wide angle, if you zoom to about 1.5x, you're only left with F3.6, Takes about 1/80 to shoot in a lighted room with windows open (in the day). You can shoot without tripod, but I don't feel comfortable shooting below 1/100 or greater really. Anyway I am not sure but I might even choose FZ18 over FZ28, given the price difference.

LX3 seems like a really good option to me. I believe it has intelligent auto like the FZ28. And F2 stop sounded really good too.

Can't comment on the rest. Hope my little input helps.

thx 4 ur advice but it is very expensive
i dont want it to be more than 600$ at most

Yes that's it.. the IS and the easy of use
and i saw dpreview review and i thought it is the best choice with my budget and for my usage

Get the E-520 then. The E-510 is old already. :) Besides, the E-520 has a better Live View.

Erm .. Hubble? Undoubtedly the best option, just a bit hard to reach the shutter button :bsmilie:

in fact i like LX3 for its size.. if it make the same results of 510/520 in the low-light conditions.. there is no doubt that i will take it ! but of course it has a very small sensor comapred to dSLR.. but i don't relly know if it's low-light results is similar to 510 or not..
& i wont make use of all the dSLR options.. and it big size is a -ve..

thx alot 4 ur info.. now it is out from the list

Get the E-520 then. The E-510 is old already. :) Besides, the E-520 has a better Live View.

Can consider Sony Alpha 350 too. IS, live view + articulated screen. I'm a Lumix user too, and I won't recommend if you're looking for night shots with "great results"!

If the threadstarter has a PnS, the other extreme end is to get a mini tripod or gorilla pod. So instead of carrying a heavier dSLR, he can carry a small support. Nothing beats a tripod. Period. IS, OIS, VR, fast lens whatever.

I don't even consider using one in the past, now I can't live without one!

Wait for 1D Mark IV or 1Ds Mark IV. And buy fast IS lenses only. That should do the job :D

i saw some comparison btw them and the 510 was sharper
also i noticed that they both add kind of pink layer on the photos
check the 3rd and 6th photos for ex.

wouldn't the 450d be a better choice ?

thx alot 4 ur help
i took lx3 out from the list
and it was a great adivice to take a tripod instead of having a heavy dSLR.. but i dont know y i wanna try the dSLR. and of course it would offer lots of new options

entropy_h & Crappinni
thx 4 ur suggestion but they are over my budget

so what about canon 450d ? isn't it better than e-510/520 ?
which IS is better ?
and which one is easier to use ?
is there a great diffenece btw them ?

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I have Sone W35 and the main problem is that in low light conditions i get terrible shots

so i want to take a new camera ( compact/SLR-like/ dSLR ) which i can take night/low light shots without using a tripod and get great results
Live View is a must
AutoFocus and Image Stabilization as well
and i want it kinda easy to use.. without making lots of lots of choices be4 taking the shot..

my budget is 600$

i found these cameras and i hope tell me wt is the best 4 me

panasonic LX3
Canon G9

panasonic FZ28

Olympus 510/520 ( which i feel it is the best choice )
canon 450d

Everything would be possible until you stated your budget. You can't have your cake and eat it at the same time, something has to give in exchange. No offense really, but you're asking too much for too little.


if you are going to use "liveview" as normally as when u do with normal PnS, forget about all dSLR, the "liveview" are no way near that of even the most basic PnS as of 2008. Beside that, their price easily go past double of ur $600 budget if u do include a fast lens in the package.

So basically u are sort of left with the lx3 and g9, to get you more choice, u can consider the fuji f100fd as well.

the lx3 might not be as good as the g9 or f100fd when it comes to high ISO performance. but do note that its not just the sensor that produce good images, the lens play a BIG part as well especially so when it comes to a PnS due to non-changable lens.
if a g9/f100fd get u a setting of f2.8(widest) 1/60 ISO1600, the LX3 can give you f2.0(widest) 1/60 ISO800, u basically already gained a stop of light to justify the lower performance sensor(if any)

wouldn't the 450d be a better choice ?
If you sound so convinced that 450d will be a better choice, then why are you still looking at e-510 or e-520?
Might as well settle for the 450d?

Anyway, different cams excel in different areas. Besides if your concern is image quality, then lenses, flash and a whole suite of system will affect your photo quality. In essence, there is no such thing as a definite 'better camera'.

.. but i dont know y i wanna try the dSLR. and of course it would offer lots of new options
Erm...assuming I didnt misunderstand you, if you don't know why you want a dslr, then what advice do you really need? Surely $600 will only get a 2nd hand mid-range dslr body only. It's not recommended to buy something and then find a use for it. You first identify a true need, then shop for the suitable product.

if you are going to use "liveview" as normally as when u do with normal PnS, forget about all dSLR, the "liveview" are no way near that of even the most basic PnS as of 2008. Beside that, their price easily go past double of ur $600 budget if u do include a fast lens in the package.
yes it is very important 4 me.. but i only use it to look at what i'm shooting instead of the viewfinder.. is there a difference btw the dSLR and the compact in looking at wt i'm shooting in the LCD ?

sorry 4 that mistake
but i raised it later but 4got 2 edit it
thx 4 ur notice and hope 2 hear u opinion

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Erm...assuming I didnt misunderstand you, if you don't know why you want a dslr, then what advice do you really need? Surely $600 will only get a 2nd hand mid-range dslr body only. It's not recommended to buy something and then find a use for it. You first identify a true need, then shop for the suitable product.
u r right my words wasnt that clear
i meant only in comparision btw using a new compact camera instead of dSLR i will go with the dSLR 4 the better pics i will get in general
i like its fast processing and image quailty and lots of options which i may use

the main reason that i want to go with the dSLR is the low-light shooting..
450d doesnt have IS but it's lens has IS
510 has IS in it's body.. and it is easier 2 use as i heared ( am i right ? )

i don't know which camera's IS is better.. and which camera is more suitable 4 shooting in low-light conditions without using a tripod

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u r right my words wasnt that clear
i meant only in comparision btw using a new compact camera instead of dSLR i will go with the dSLR 4 the better pics i will get in general
i like its fast processing and image quailty and lots of options which i may use

the main reason that i want to go with the dSLR is the low-light shooting..
450d doesnt have IS but it's lens has IS
510 has IS in it's body.. and it is easier 2 use as i heared ( am i right ? )

i don't know which camera's IS is better.. and which camera is more suitable 4 shooting in low-light conditions without using a tripod

As I already said, DSLRs are all capable of shooting in low-light conditions, compared to P&S.

The benefits of having IS in the body is that ALL lenses will be stablised. Whereas for in-lens IS, not all.

But with in-lens IS, you can see the effects of IS when composing your shot. :)

i wont change the lens anyway so it doesn't matter if the IS in the body or in the lens with the camera.. so i only look for the best results and i feel the 450d is more advnaced camera

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