Which Prosumer?

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New Member
Feb 22, 2005
I'm thinking of getting an Oly 5060 or 7070.
Apart from Oly, are there any prosumer cams out there that can give rich, vibrant colors (Fuji?) with minimal PS.

I'm looking for cams above 5MP and will be used to take casual shoots during holidays, events like friend's wedding, get-2-gethers blah, blah, blah...

Yes, I'm a photography-nut btw.......no flame me hor.

Any recommendations?

Selections so far....
- Oly (as above)
- Fuji S7000
- Canon G5/G6/S1
- Nikon ...above my budget of <$1k. So, this is out.

apologies. it was meant for Newbie Corner. my bad. :embrass:

IMO, your choices are correct, go for Oly or Fuji if you want rich,
vibrant color...sharp image as well...

nikon color so-so but also quite sharp...

canon color not bad but famous for soft image

just my own opinion lah...

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