Where to buy Panasonic 14-140mm lens?


New Member
Mar 17, 2010
Hi, I'm new to digital camera. Need recommendations on where I can buy Panasonic 14-140mm lens. I've tried a few places(camera shops in S'pore) but with no success. Please help. Thank you in advance.

It's a GH-1 kit lens not packaged to be sold separately. So you have to find someone who has a GH1 but doesn't want the lens. Look in the Buy and Sell, the lens comes up now and then. Or find someone to partner with you to buy the GH1, you keep the lens and he keeps the body. Otherwise buy online through Ebay. Get it while you can, now that the G2 and G10 are sold with the shorter kit zoom expect more people to chase the 14-140 in the resale ads.

Hi dlens, thanks for the reply.

It isn't only sold with the GH-1 as a kit lens. You can buy it separately, in its own box as well. i got mine from John 3:16 not too long ago. They were the only ones who had stock at the time.

I saw the lens at Alan Photo and I was quoted $1210 thereabouts. I picked mine from John 3:16 though at $1220. Got enough of getting ripped by lousy UV filters from Alan Photo.