where can i buy white or yellow selica gel for dry box?


New Member
Jan 20, 2010
Does anyone know where to buy white or yellow selica gel which is more safe than the blue selica?


Does anyone know where to buy white or yellow selica gel which is more safe than the blue selica?


Both are safe. Only the blue one is dangerous. You can try DIY stores as well as camera stores.

Does anyone know where to buy white or yellow selica gel which is more safe than the blue selica?


you can try ruby photo. It's at peninsular shopping centre, or is it peninsular plaza. I never remember which building is named what ;p

it's the one with the hotel enterence

try to google for it. you can get better prices at normal shops instead of camera shops. i bought once before at a shop named Q-Pac in the east side. Darn cheap for a large qty. There are many shops selling such stuff.