What to check when buying a used camera & lens

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New Member
Sep 27, 2008
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Hey all..

not stating the obvious, what are the parameters one should check when purchasing a used camera.. apart from the shutter count, what are the other things to look and look out for...


Hey all..

not stating the obvious, what are the parameters one should check when purchasing a used camera.. apart from the shutter count, what are the other things to look and look out for...


Best if the camera still have a warranty. If not, the camera should come from a good and careful owner. Some cameras esp the pro bodies are built to last so i wouldnt worry.

Lens. Open the front and rear lens cap. Push down the aperture ring to open up. Look through and aim at light source. There should not be additional things, cotton like things all around the lens.

I bought a lens from one of the camera shops a few years back. Fungus appeared a few months after purchase. For all repairs, i strongly urge that owners bring back to original source...

Hope this helps.

My 2 cent of thought:

For camera:
1. Check for any user marks. User marks on hot area like flash, lens or tripod mounting area are fine. Other places you may need to investigate closely. The camera might be banged to some hard material or dropped to cause the mark.
2. Check dead pixels.
3. Check for sensor dust. Take photo with long exposure with minimum aperture. All dust will come out under white background.
4. Check battery life if it is still in the condition per stated.
5. Press all buttons and common dials, they should not be sticky nor abnormal.
6. If warranty is still applied, check if the serial number on the camera and warranty card is matched.

For lens:
1. Check for user marks. Optics should be cleared.
2. If it has aperture ring, tune to max aperture, and observe the dust under bright light.
3. Check MF, AF, VR etc button if they are functioned well.
4. Check sharpness at different zoom range.
5. If warranty is still applied, check if the serial number on the lens and warranty card is matched.

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very informative and detailed.. thank you very much.. Jacephoto and blackman!!


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