What is your greatest magnification factor?

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Feb 20, 2003
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Thought I start this thread to see what this the greatest magnificaton factor of CS macro shooter... and perhaps sharing their setup?

bonfire said:
Thought I start this thread to see what this the greatest magnificaton factor of CS macro shooter... and perhaps sharing their setup?
Are (electron- and laser/light-) microscopes included? That's actually not macro anymore but micro.......


i could get about 1.5x with my macro lens and extension tubes.

but still seldom go beyond 1x.

longer extension, more problems...centre of gravity shifted, more vibrations, longer xposure, harder to focus, etc..

0.45X with my compact point and shoot camera.

The magnification rating is with respect to the subject size, but the final perspective is with respect to the sensor size as well.

For exampe, let's say a little earthworm is 10mm long. With a digital PnS with 0.45x, the worm's image would be 4.5mm long, and would cover about half the picture (8.8mm long sensor).

On a 1.6x dSLR (22mm), with 0.45x magnification, the worm would cover about 1/5th of the picture. On a full-frame (36mm), the same worm at 0.45x magnification would cover a measly 1/8th of the picture. To get the same *perspective* (worm covering half the picture) on a fullframe, the equivalent magnification would have to be 1.8x.

Anyway, my point is that comparing the magnification factor itself is not very meaningful across different size formats.

hongsien said:
Are (electron- and laser/light-) microscopes included? That's actually not macro anymore but micro.......


That would be more of digital microscopy, something like this setup.


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