What is/was your ambition?

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Originally posted by Shadus
LOL. You know something? I was dabbling in that during my upper sec until my physicist teacher got tired of my questions and ask me to focus on getting an "A" in my physics instead.

So di you get an A?

OT: Got a feeling need to relook at the relativity in order to solve the GUT (Grand Unified Theory)

Oh yeah... maybe a freelance photog... still in training phase..:D

Originally posted by lavenderlilz
pri 1 : teacher
pri 3 : lawyer
sec : social worker
jc : accountant / lawyer

NOW : Be careful of what you wish for ...............................;p

Yeah man.

Pri School/early sec : Scientist
early sec onwards : Programmer
Now : Well, programmer of sorts. I am now a web developer.

Yeah, be careful what you wish for. It might just happen. :)


When I was young, I wanted to be a lion tamer. You know, working in a circus and sticking your head into the lion's mouth once in a while, to loud applause.

Originally posted by ckhaos
When I was young, I wanted to be a lion tamer. You know, working in a circus and sticking your head into the lion's mouth once in a while, to loud applause.

cool. So are you doing it now, as a profession? :D

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