watermark on new lens.

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Mar 25, 2005
Hi, any one have a photo new lens surface have a watermark?
Can please post it here to share?? :think:

Did you mean that a new lens with watermark? I don't think a new lens should have watermak.

Is a new len. Heard the 70-200 IS always got such problem .even is a new lns also will have a watermark and so black dust visible on lens which sending back to cs will charge!
Sharp and not sharp is another qc matter...:sweat:
Duno how far it's true...any of you exp it mind to share?

i dunno about camera lens, maybe that is a feature that saves u the time of putting watermark on the final output.....*lol*

but my spectacle using seiko lens have some very slight logo engraved near the edge of the lens.

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