Tripod for D700 + AFS 24-70

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New Member
May 18, 2009
My cheapo tripod cannot hold the D700 + AFS 24-70. New tripod required. Would like to get a good tripod and a ballhead. (BBB virus?) Any good recommendation from fellow D700 users? Thank you.

Any height, weight limits, budget, travelling requirements?

Carbon fibre ones are lighter and stiffer, but a premium over the other materials such as aluminium for instance. Get something of a height comfortable for ur eyes ( personally I do not even use the centrepost but if u r really tall then it is another story )

Get one that supports ur heaviest setup. Dun not get a cheap setup and lament when it doesn support something else down the road. Spend bucks to save bucks, going cheap and u might spend more, & u would loathe to get another setup. It last u ur many other nikon bodies.

Whats budget ? Gitzo is a pricey tripod maker that is well recieved. Good ballheads includes Arca Swiss, RRS, Acratech, Kirk, Markins, etc. They provide good and smooth tension control, more durable, great load to weight ratio

There are many other factors in deciding tripods / ballheads, u might get more resources online

Visit the various shops to try the tripods / feel the ballheads.


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If you are on budget and find GITZO is too expensive, i recommend Manfrotto 190 CX-3 carbon fiber tripod and 488 RC2 above (i am using cr4 because it was on sale, cheaper than rc2 but bigger in size) at around 500 brand new.

enough for your combo. i am using this setup plus a sb600. no problem at all.

weigt is always an importan factor of course, try to buy a lighter one because all your stuff are not light, when you carry them all at the same time, you will know what I mean..

yes, there are many factors to consider if you want to do in-depth research on tripod and ballhead, but eventually we are just users, no need to think too much really. just make sure it can be used. anyway it is pure mechanical, only if you are very unlucky,

otherwise no troubles at all.

if money is not a problem, go with the expensive ones, otherwise just look for cheaper but reputable brand. you will be fine.

all in all, buying camera system is way more complex than buying a tripod. you have cleared the most challenging stage, the rest is just simple.....

Hi Ryan and Maksin,

Appreciate the useful and informative replies from both of you. Thank you.

...i recommend Manfrotto 190 CX-3 carbon fiber tripod and 488 RC2 above.

Ideally without budget contraints Gitzo will be the choice that will last you most of your shooting career. Otherwise the Manfrotto 190CXPro3 with 488RC2 ballhead will hold your D700 and 24-70mm without difficulty. It is lightweight (approx 1.29kg legs + 0.7kg ballhead) without being overly light to compromise stability, and is quite tall without the centre column extended (fully extended, the camera will be at eye-level for a 6-footer).

Go for a walk at Cathay Photo to see what feels good in your hands, nothing beats a hands-on experience!

i am currently using Gitzo GT1541 with Markins Q3 ballhead...damn solid and light regrets...wasted some $$ last time buying cheaper tripods but end up sell away...:)

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i also recommend the manfrotto 190cxpro3, light, sturdy, and since it's made of carbon fiber, will absorb vibrations better than aluminium tripods

while it's fairly short when folded, it's not the shortest. if you really want compactness, you can look at the 190cxpro4, very compact when folded, but it's a 4-section

good ballhead brands are like what ryan mentioned above

personally i'm using the markins q3t

you need to have some requirements on what kind of tripod you're looking for

markins ballhead is worth the investment... get it with a gitzo tripod and it will last you like forever...

Thanks all for the lovely replies.

Any recommendation for shops in Singapore where I can get Gitzo and Markins at competitive price?

i am currently using Gitzo GT1541 with Markins Q3 ballhead...damn solid and light regrets...wasted some $$ last time buying cheaper tripods but end up sell away...:)

Hi Coolsigg,

May I know how much did you paid for your Gitzo GT1541, Markins Q3 ballhead and the base plate? And where did you purchase from? Thank you.

Hi Coolsigg,

May I know how much did you paid for your Gitzo GT1541, Markins Q3 ballhead and the base plate? And where did you purchase from? Thank you.

pm sent! ;)

hi coolsigg

could you send me a pm as well?
i'm going for the same config for tripod and ballhead..


I also keen to know, pm me please. :D

why not get manfrotto legs and a acratech ballhead

always works for everyone...

hi coolsigg,

thanks for the pm...
i have one question, is there any big difference between your set Gitzo GT1541 + Markins Q3 and Gitzo GT1541T (without T) + Markins Q3T (with T)?


hi coolsigg,

thanks for the pm...
i have one question, is there any big difference between your set Gitzo GT1541 + Markins Q3 and Gitzo GT1541T (without T) + Markins Q3T (with T)?


GT1541T folds shorter as the legs can be flipped over and kept. However, heard from some other users that GT1541T can be quite flimsy compared to GT1541. Therefore, I went for the non T version. Markins Q3T is designed to be used with GT1541T in the sense that when the tripod legs are folded over the ballhead, the ballhead rests nicely with the legs. :)

If anyone is interested in GT1541T (and rich enough) but wants something tougher, there is the Ocean Traveller (stainless and waterproof version of GT1541T). It feels rock solid (and rock heavy) in hand but maybe it is new, deployment of the legs is not really smooth.

If anyone is interested in GT1541T (and rich enough) but wants something tougher, there is the Ocean Traveller (stainless and waterproof version of GT1541T). It feels rock solid (and rock heavy) in hand but maybe it is new, deployment of the legs is not really smooth.

Hi all,
am highjacking the thread abit...

Where is a good place to get tripods and monopods?


Hi all,
am highjacking the thread abit...

Where is a good place to get tripods and monopods?


Just head to CP, TK, MS or OP to take a look.

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