Timor Leste (East Timor) - Location Pages & Image Galleries


New Member
Sep 8, 2010
I did a two week trip to Timor Leste just over a year ago - which in the interests of full disclosure, was supported by Dive Timor Lorosae - to dive the coastal sites in the capital Dili itself, and to the east and west of Dili.

In Dili I dived Tasi Tolo, Dili Rock and the Pertamina Jetty a couple of times each, while to the east we dived Secret Garden, K41, Bob's Rock, One Tree and Dirt Track - again at least twice at each spot. To the west I did a few dives at Maubara and tried to dive Bubble Beach but it was all fenced off.

Timor Leste is an interesting place with a traumatic recent history that sinks in all the more when you are there and diving the coastal sites involved daily road trips which I was initially dreading, but came to really enjoy them because of the scenic coast road.

I really enjoyed the majority of the dives and it really did wet my appetite to go back and do some boat based diving, because if the shore dives are good there must be some pretty special offshore sites!

Did not get the chance to dive Atauro or Jaco Island because no boat was available, but maybe next time....

I finally got round to updating my site with several location pages for Timor Leste, starting with this one on the country itself: LINK - just follow the links at the bottom of each page for the rest, or use the Locations tab on the menu bar.

If you want to skip the history lesson.... here is the LINK to the scuba diving overview page and just follow the links at the bottom of each page from there.

Constructive criticism gladly accepted - trying to build my site in to a portal in to the Indo Pacific....
