The Pentax K1 Thread! - Post all your K1 picts and impressions

Ranchy, your Portraiture skills have powered up. Nice photos!!

Thanks Felix.. still learning. Felt i am still not strong in posing models.

Testing K1's SR

FA 24 at 1/8 sec

FA 24 at 1/5 sec

Wah.. power lah u. heheh. but not easy to maintain, i think i share more than the camera. lolx


W/Out Flash

Thanks Felix.. still learning. Felt i am still not strong in posing models.

Wah.. power lah u. heheh. but not easy to maintain, i think i share more than the camera. lolx

haha..its hard to get excited looking at are taking photos of models so its understandable if you are shaking ;p

I think you got a really good copy of the lens!

thanks!..its the only copy i manage to try so far so cant comment if its a good copy but its very sharp from f2.8 onwards

nice and sharp! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Recent Macro..

First time using it with K1


Kengoh great shotz....wah u really land(scenery) and air(birdie) about sea??? Lolx ;)

Singapore Night Fest 2016.

Short walk around - too crowded.


FA77 - out of focus.. wanted to have the bubbles shots but the lens starts to have issues. sigh.

Singapore Night Fest 2016.

Short walk around - too crowded.

FA77 - out of focus.. wanted to have the bubbles shots but the lens starts to have issues. sigh.

I think the out of focus shot is any chance the bubbles fall onto the lens?

I think the out of focus shot is any chance the bubbles fall onto the lens?

NOpe. the bubbles did not fall on the lens. lolx.

long time did not follow clubsnap until recently saw the K1 was launch and start to look through the 40 pages here....still no budget to buy yet LOL

During the research and came across the following comparison

K1 score the highest among them.... Impress !