The Konica Minolta Hexar RF

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New Member
Nov 15, 2004
Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Has anyone seen or heard anything about this lovely little number?

What an expensive, beautiful rangefinder — built by Konica Minolta, of course.

Here it is: The Konica Minolta Hexar RF Limited Edition 35mm Rangefinder


I spotted it today at B&HPhoto

But ouch, what a price!


Hi there,

Used to own one myself... fun to use but I don't really like RF too much... please don't get me wrong.. I just prefer SLR more... ;p

It is very light and quite, it is great for street photography.. :D

It is built by Konica before Konica is merge with Minolta so it is still call Konica RF.

It is very expensive but the built and the quality of the glass is top-notch

In sydney second hand market it still going in order of A$1500 - A$1700.

Personally, because i prefer SLR and can't justify to keep something that I don't use much so I sold it to my friend...

If you like RF, this is a good option.. or Leica M series... :thumbsup:


It would be nice if KM built a digital rangefinder..

deslim27 said:
It would be nice if KM built a digital rangefinder..

There are digital backs for Leica. Maybe Minolta will make one for theirs.... it's a dead market almost for RFs unfortunately. They tend to be viewed more as collector's items rather than serious tools.

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