taking street shots

Just wanna share with ts i also started street probably like 2 months back and I've been doing quite a bit of landscape
It was really scary at 1st but I tell myself I just gotta do it
I adopted mostly the "camper" n "prowler" technique

Slowly I became more comfortable w it

I have had situations, after I took pictures they saw me, I smiled n they smiled back end of story :)

There are many different types of street photography.
Candids or with Permission
Isolated Portraits or Environmental Portraits
Serious/Funny/Beautiful ppl/Unique ppl/etc

Here are two e-books which may help you out.
85mm Street Photography

There are many types of techniques for street and candids, imho, here are some :
1. The Happy Camper : waits at a spot (perhaps an interesting bkgnd) waiting for the right subject to pass
2. The Prowler : strolls along, looking ahead to see any interesting subjects/occurrences (note : looks ahead before the frame of photo, else its too late to react)
3. Sniper : Long lens dude (some say he's a coward, but the isolating effects of long lens produces nice results too.. )
4. The Assault Warrior : In your face approach (google Bruce Gilden to see an example ) :D
5. Sneaky guy : Camera hidden/ Chest level shots/ Fake lens that shoots side ways/ etc
6. 'Confidence' Man : tries to persuade subjects to give him a pict
7. Hit and Run speciallist : Shoot from car or motorcycle (or shoot at ppl in Bus/Car/Motorcycle )
8. The Great Pretender : Pretends to shoot something else, while in fact the wide FOV of the lens has the subject in place on the sides.
9. The Quick Draw : "f8 and be there dude"; lens prefocused for hyper-focusing distance; just take up camera> shoot > down camera (subject does not even know it happened)

Choose your character and/or mix and match.
Enjoy your journey ;)