Taking pictures of the moon with a dslr

This is what i did, 70-300mm with kenko 2x converter to reach 600mm (900mm, 35mm equivalent), manual focus, spot metering, shot at f/14 iso800 1/160s


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Thks for Ur reply aquilaa. But today's a cloudly day:( can't even catch a glimpse of the moon.
aquilaa said:
Just want to share exposure guide on lunar photography.

thin crescent f8 1/8s ISO100
wide crescent f8 1/30s ISO100
quarter phase f8 1/60s ISO100
gibbous f8 1/125s ISO100
full f8 1/250s ISO100

This is just the guideline, best exposure might be different.


M. A. Covington, Astrophotography for the Amateur, 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

For lunar photography, the Moon image size on camera sensor/film is based on actual focal length,
the Moon image size is around 0.78mm for 85mm lens, on full frame or APS-C sensor.

Nice!! Thks for sharing.
motionstills said:
This is what i did, 70-300mm with kenko 2x converter to reach 600mm (900mm, 35mm equivalent), manual focus, spot metering, shot at f/14 iso800 1/160s