street and tired feet.

Haha. I like the photo with the two feet! This is way interesting! Made me look twice! Nice. What equipment were you using?

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Never heard of Harry Callahan then
There is a historical precedent for art in street photography, but you wouldn't know that now would you (not a question).
That pic has also been exhibited (curated) and will be published (Category; Street Photography, Art).


iDeAth bEtWeeN 9 aNd 5

ɹǝpun uʍop puɐl ǝɥʇ ɯoɹɟ
How did you develop the concept for this image, i presume mulitiple exposures.
How did you previsualise this? Did you try it out in photoshop with overlapping layers, was the coffin accidental?
And finally how did you execute it on the tripod, i am very impressed by the sharp line angles and symmetry.
I understand if you decline to elaborate.
It's amazing.
Latching on to sections of your website is pretty tough but worthwhile wait for the stories. Almost like trying to catch an elusive "ant".

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