Soong Sister's Mansion

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New Member
Sep 24, 2006
Ok, I've been very enchanted by the spookiness of those units.. I tried to find the place using what I found from SPI pg and saw 15, 19, 23 grange road on one of the photos. But when I went there, high rise condos.. b4 that there's this big house with very dark compounds.

I went up by St Thomas Walk as well as River Valley Grove, sort of dead end. Help!

Seems like I found the wrong place. Dunno or anyone else who have gone there, can you provide directions? just went for recce, good thing i didn't lug my gear along if not super pek chek :(

Does anyone know how to get there?

cross the road (devonshire road) from youth park and walk up along grange road. a few feet ahead, there's a nondescript gravel path on the left (with the no trespassing sign). walk up this path and take the first left turn. walk up this and you'll reach the mansion.

With so much enbloc recently... maybe that place is enbloc by SC Global liao... :bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

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