Sony A33 at Sitex

bro jayjojo,
i doubt there would be that many.
50mm F1.8 is a prime lens, and like what u said it has good performance given its price.
and unless the buyer has another prime lens (which any other is also more expensive than the 50mm, which they have to cough up around ~$300 more including the sale of the 50mm)
or the buyer goes without the prime lens (which makes no sense as prime lens is quite impt portrait and low light lens imo)

furthermore, for those buying at sitex wise i believe are mostly first time buyers.
so it will take them awhile to find out what they wanted either way.

for me, I am considering selling away the 1855 kit. But too bad MSC doesn't have the 50mmf1.8 now, so i am holding on to the kit lens to tahan 1st. :D

Sory just curious... Y r people getting A33 when A55 is out n most proberly A77 next yr bros.... Is a33 betta than both....

Those who already using a Sony DSLR can afford to wait and save up for the official spec and launch of the A77 or A7XX.

Those who bought A33 are either a newbie who doesn't need the extra 2mp, 10fps and GPS or tight on budget or an oldbird, already owning a A700/a850/a900, who needs some fun features offered by the DSLT cam or as a backup body or any other reasons that make them buy the A33.

The reasons are endless, and not specific to a certain feature or reason. The good thing Sony gives us lots of choice.

In this group, I see four flavours to choose a33,a55,a560 and a580 - take your pick.

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Congrad on ur 400 off 18250 deal!

Can u pls hint if any other lens on promo?

I also heard Sam lens better for video taking; u can try ur 18250 vs 5018.

If you buy camera from SonyStyle, you will be able to buy your next len at discounted price. There are many type sof lens to choose from.

thanks! same as before IT SHOW, no 35f1.8. is it?

Go down to sonystyle or give them a call to ask for the price. Just checked my reciept , it is $500.

Hi theprofxav,
I sms-ed SLRR and they don't have the sitex promo bundle...
It looks like the sitex promo is really the better deal for now
are you fixed on a particular brand? if not, can also check out panasonic. saw the ads on paper and looks like good deals in store. ISLANDWIDE somemore. So maybe can drop by to neighbourhood shops enroute to sitex. may get best bargain minus the rush! checkout goodluck!!

are you fixed on a particular brand? if not, can also check out panasonic. saw the ads on paper and looks like good deals in store. ISLANDWIDE somemore. So maybe can drop by to neighbourhood shops enroute to sitex. may get best bargain minus the rush! checkout goodluck!!

suspicious! 1st post come into the Sony Thread to promote Panasonic.

for your info... almost EVERY camera brand will have ISLANDWIDE promotions like you mentioned, and they'll be almost similar if not similar to the sitex promotions.

zzzz i don't like spammers.

how much is a 3rd party sony camera batt?
is it sold in sitex?

how much is a 3rd party sony camera batt?
is it sold in sitex?

Check out the battery shop at sim lim sq 2nd floor, just beside the sex shop.
u should see the sex shop after u come up from the escalator.
The shop should put something like Battery Shop, actual shop name is Unicell.

They should sell the 3rd party batt ard $26. Just tell them the battery model.


Does anyone know where can i buy the bangforbuck semi-hard or hard screen protector for a33?



Does anyone know where can i buy the bangforbuck semi-hard or hard screen protector for a33?


I got mine at imm Sony style but has been out of stock since as I plan to get semi hard cover for my nex

how well can a semi hard protective layer fit into the rotating screen? will the screen be unable to close properly when we flip back ? I just buy a $2 screen protector from Daiso, which fits my A55 to a T

how well can a semi hard protective layer fit into the rotating screen? will the screen be unable to close properly when we flip back ? I just buy a $2 screen protector from Daiso, which fits my A55 to a T

it is a hard plastic film, that sticks onto the LCD like normal screen protector. Except that its much thicker and sticks stronger. Fits perfectly and made for Nex and SLT.

Its not the normal plastic hard protector that are fixed on DSLR that we see

it is a hard plastic film, that sticks onto the LCD like normal screen protector. Except that its much thicker and sticks stronger. Fits perfectly and made for Nex and SLT.

Its not the normal plastic hard protector that are fixed on DSLR that we see

yup, i bought it for $18 bucks yesterday. Fits perfectly and sticks strongly. ;)

yup, i bought it for $18 bucks yesterday. Fits perfectly and sticks strongly. ;)

i'm using tis semi hard protector initially but later change to those normal film type protector coz there's a small gap at bottom left n right corner of e protector which will allow dust to get in between e LCD n protector...

i'm using tis semi hard protector initially but later change to those normal film type protector coz there's a small gap at bottom left n right corner of e protector which will allow dust to get in between e LCD n protector...

I have the same problem and have written to Sony about the design flaw. Simply unacceptable for a 18 buck screen protector.:thumbsd: