Some Butterflies and misc to share

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New Member
Oct 29, 2004

This is my second time posting pictures I took from NIE butterfly garden. I hope I have made improvements compared to the previous ones.

Here are my humble pictures:












I notice some of the wings of my butterflies are soft, is that due to the large aperture? For the whole butterfly to be sharp, should I use a much smaller aperture?

Thanks for viewing.

aspire said:
I notice some of the wings of my butterflies are soft, is that due to the large aperture? For the whole butterfly to be sharp, should I use a much smaller aperture?

Thanks for viewing.

What is your setup and aperture used? To get the butterfly in focus, you have to position the surface of the lens parallel to the wings.

megaweb said:
What is your setup and aperture used? To get the butterfly in focus, you have to position the surface of the lens parallel to the wings.

Thanks. I used F5.6 for most of the shots due to the dull cloudy weather this morning.

aspire said:
Thanks. I used F5.6 for most of the shots due to the dull cloudy weather this morning.
How about you setup ? Just macro lens ?

megaweb said:
How about you setup ? Just macro lens ?

Oh, D50 + Sigma 70-300 Macro thats all, build-in flash, and shutter speed vaires according to exposure.

Do you use a tripod? Slight breeze or camera shake will make the picture OOF. Suggest you step down to f13-16 for Butts and as Johnny pointed out, subject must be parallel with the lens. Suggest to have some room for breathing as I find the composition very tight.
Just my 2 cents...

stingrey said:
Do you use a tripod? Slight breeze or camera shake will make the picture OOF. Suggest you step down to f13-16 for Butts and as Johnny pointed out, subject must be parallel with the lens. Suggest to have some room for breathing as I find the composition very tight.
Just my 2 cents...

I didn't use a tripod.

Thanks for the suggestions and advice.

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