So sad. Why did she jump?

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Ansel said:
Absolutely saddened by the news this morning. My most sincere condolenses to the families.

Could she have found strength to live on and fight the cancer in the fact that she is loved by those whom she love?

How do we strengthen our minds and spirits such that in face of such circumstances, we can have the strength to live on and fight?

i have no answers to her dilemma. SHe made her choice. But i strongly believe she should have left the children alone. There's no reason to take them along.
Just plain NO

DennisLee said:
I totally agree. Why don't the mod just close the thread.

My original intention was not for the purpose of passing judgement on the deceased.

My intention was to analyse what happened so that anyone of us, or anyone we know, touch wood, should encounter such a circumstance, how do we snap out of the depression, think straight and find strength and courage to live on.

Please don't go OT.

Sigh...a tragic tragic story indeed...guess we all stepped away somehow feeling the immeasureable loss her family must be feeling now...

My take on this...treasure your luved ones now your luved ones thru the hard times'll never know how much impact you can give lor...

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