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New Member
Apr 26, 2003
I was using the sunny f/11 rule to take pics out in the open, but then realised i had a circular polariser mounted for all my shots.

what to do? is the correct way to ask the developer to push the shots for me?

am using slides 100 (kodak elitechrome)


Hi Stefen. Like to ask this question:

1) did you use aperture priority? If yes, then relax, as you camera will compensate for the polariser automatically.

2) If you use manual aperture and shutter setting, did you observe the exposure meter, is it at zero all the time. If yes, then relax, as it is also compensated too.

3) If your camera don't do TTL metering, then you are in trouble. But can relax too, as it is usual to underexpose the slide by half to one stop. But if you underexposed more than that, then need to push. Then do you know how much to push? And you have to pay more to push slide and film.

Hope this helps.

Stefen said:
I was using the sunny f/11 rule to take pics out in the open, but then realised i had a circular polariser mounted for all my shots.

what to do? is the correct way to ask the developer to push the shots for me?

am using slides 100 (kodak elitechrome)


You will probably have to push somewhere between 1 to 2 stops.(How come you were shooting without metering???)

A good gamble would be to push just 1 stop.

was using the manual settings, not apeture setting.

my meter actually pointed out that my shots were overexposed by one or two shots, but i decided to follow the book's recommendations by ignoring the meter when shooting under harsh sunlight, just that i completely forgot about the polariser lens. :embrass:

the book's by john shaw,

so i push the film by one stop? how much extra will it cost?


Stefen said:
was using the manual settings, not apeture setting.
my meter actually pointed out that my shots were overexposed by one or two shots,:mad2:

I think what you meant was "my meter actually pointed out that my shots were UNDERexposed by one or two STOPS"

If its telling you that the shots were overexposed, you need a pull not push.

Stefen said:
I was using the sunny f/11 rule to take pics out in the open, but then realised i had a circular polariser mounted for all my shots.

Yep.. this is the problem!
Sunny sixteen rule is assuming you are shooting without filters.
IF you use CP filter, you should compensate it +1 or 2 stop. Bracket!



but how much extra? any gauge of which developer does all this? i usually go to ruby....

think it's abt $2-3 for pushing/pulling
Stefen said:


but how much extra? any gauge of which developer does all this? i usually go to ruby....

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