singaore sportshub opennig

MF for sure. The camera doesnt have to waste time hunting for focus and you can get shots faster to catch the fireworks bursts

Wow great photo ricleo. Just a one question. For fireworks, AF or MF better?

It's ok. Was trying my luck. Learn a lot of lessons. Shooting from flyer not so straightforward due to the rotation.
It will be a battle to keep the exposure long enough to capture the bursts vs keeping exposure short enough to minimize blurring from the cabin movement. Depending on the FoV, so far I see its about 2 to 4 seconds, max. Need more experiments. And you have to make sure surroundings are decently exposed since its already dark.

- Tons of reflections. Gotta shift the tripod around. Bearing in mind other guests within as well (including kids). Good chance to try out lens skirt if the MO at the General Photography Talk section goes through.
- It's not as empty as the papers make it out to be. At least not on a Friday evening. Streams of visitors were continually coming in. Most dining cabins were also full.
- Sportshub is at kinda awkward direction as its more towards the corner of the cabin.
- One round of the flyer ~30min. Of this, I think there's only a 15-20min window where you can shoot. Rest of the time either too low or obstructed by the flyer structure/other cabins. Unless you know the exact timing and location of fireworks, gonna be quite risky.

I've seen photos of fireworks shot from the flyer so its not impossible, just more challenging.

Thank for your details information, hope to see your photo take at flyer.

Sharing my pic here.
