Simei ITE College East photo

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New Member
Jan 5, 2006
this are some photo in college east it is a really nice college better then some of the JC






great work on the composition. i like 7 for leading lines which eventually brought the track to attention, 18 for the overcast mood. didn't know the place was so nice inside ;)

architecture your forte? keep going :cool:

Like the first few of the exterior.

Can just walk in and shoot? Thinking of dropping by some day to do some IR.

nice college yeah, did u take the canteen?

ya nowadays ppl think that ITE cannot make it but i think now there are changing like the college East is the about same as poly they got sch of infor-comm technology sch of engineering, sch of business and sch of applied & health Sciences


used to stay very near there.. tanah merah, but didn't go in to see.
Anyway, very nice shots there :)

you got go rooftop and shot ma?

The view there is very nice, I went up before, did not have a camera with me that time. hai~~~

wow really nice pictures, love the colour. Could you share with us your settings?

use high f-stop and long exposure can already, use a WA lens too.

These photos were taken when it first opened? everything looks so new...

wow, these are very well taken indeed. good job!

how i wish I can be in ITE again.......not only the school many chio bu join ITE also nowadays :lovegrin: :lovegrin: ......My ITE last Time is at ITE macpherson....lift always spoil at the tower block and then engineering course not many female.....if got also not nice but still act chio :sweatsm:

Good series you have :thumbsup:
Never think of photo of this campus can be so great,
even I stay quite near also didn't think of shooting it before :sweat:
Btw, are you ITE staff or their assigned photographer ? Is public allowed to go inside and take photo ?
Worry will kena chase by security as I'm not the authorised personnel.
You know, nowadays campus security is very sensitive due to the VT incident

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