Sharing A Few Butterflies Part IV

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a repost of my 5 bar.... used nikon nx to post process before porting to ps

5 bar swordtail

and some Harlequins
i believe this is a female one..

and a male one..

OT: Mark, is SGFrag YOUR website? It's totally hilarious! I enjoy it so much. :bsmilie: OK... not all of it, some of the news are rather bizzare and sad. But still.... Where do you go to find such pieces of news?

OT: Mark, is SGFrag YOUR website? It's totally hilarious! I enjoy it so much. :bsmilie: OK... not all of it, some of the news are rather bizzare and sad. But still.... Where do you go to find such pieces of news?

its not exactly my website. last time during my hardcore gaming days (before photography, when i still had my CRT tan) a bunch of us keep it running by posting news and stuff like that. i've stopped posting for a long long time already. i think the only guy posting is our former quake 3 champ, buzz.

Some recent shots:





WOW! Look like IV will fill up fastest than the previous 3 instalments. Great work guys!


Went to the new spa today... no sun.. but some of the butts still came down :D

blue bottle

branded imperial

caught this guy with a rather different background


you guys are terrific. I can never get something like what you showed here, never with such clarity and sharpness.

Sharing two shots taken today and it is "Super delicious season" for sure , including this I have sighted 3 in the last 1.5 weeks.

Caleta elna elvira (Elbowed Pierrot)


Semanga superba deliciosa



Blue Glassy Tiger Enclosing

dingy line blue

common hedge blue

Branded Imperial


harlequin (1 sec exposure) a bit of wobble from the moving leaves...


Sharing a shot taken recently.

Jamides bochus nabonassar (Dark Caerulean)



To all Butterfly photographers

Please note that there have been reports of 'photographers' helping themselves to the pupae of the Common Birdwing at Alexandra Hospital Butterfly Trail. I hope that none of the shooters here are involved. AH is considered a private property, so please be mindful that you can be charged if you are caught taking anything out of the premises.

Caretaker of AH reported that she met a group of 5 photographers who claimed that they were an "independent group" not associated with BC, BIG, NPS or NSS.

Of all the Singapore species, the Common Birdwing is listed under the CITES list. Singapore is a signatory to the CITES in Nov 1986 and the AVA is the enforcement agency. Please read about the regulation here.

Please note that you can be prosecuted under the laws of CITES if you are in possession of this particular species without a permit.

Alexandra Hospital has implemented "observation" stations at the AH Butt trail . Anyone here who chance on such unbecoming behavior of capturing or removal of butterflies or pupae at the Butterfly Trail should inform AH at 6379 3789.

Further , Any collection of plants, animals , insects in the Nature Reserves in Singapore is strictly control by National Parks Board Act (Cap. 198A) and the Parks and Trees Act 2005 (Act 4 of 2005) and the Parks and Trees Regulation 2005. .

To facilitate research,permits are issued under the authority of the Nparks , such activities should only be done with a Nparks permit .


after looking closely @ the spots and comparing, i think this is a Dark Glassy Tiger.

hope this help. :)
macross is my sifu in IDing the Tiger with correct spelling too :embrass:


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