Share Some RF Shots 7

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thanks dankwan :)
nordleadx , gommy : those aren't mine :D took the train set picture in one of the parks in korea
andrewtansj : yeah it damn nice.. they even had a trainstop which says santa workshop..:)

Interesting... dream color effect from IR shots... which lens and IR filter u use? Where to buy IR filter of M lens size?...:D

used 21mm elmarit asph for the 4 shots above, the previous b&w with the new voigtlander 12mm M mount. used a hoya 52mm R72 ir filter with stepping rings. can't remember where i got it as i gotten it quite sometime back for my lx3. but think should be easy to find 52mm and above filter size. hope this helps:)

50 Summilux ASPH, Natura 1600


Nicely captured!:thumbsup:

saat saat....:thumbsup: very hip gentleman

thanks Gommy , third3rdwheel and neoro for all the support from the bottom of my heart ...

Over about 2 years of using M8, it has went back home to Germany twice. RF couple off for a year and the sensor fail on me twice with dead pixel. In flickr , one of my fav street shooter has his M9 broke down less than 3 months and his M8 needs to go back home for the third time. :cry:

Went to the agent, he told me I cannot shoot it rapidly like an SLR [ that's how I shoot using m6 using film , so dunno what he means].

So back to the pics, M8 /Canon 35mm f2 ltm


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used 21mm elmarit asph for the 4 shots above, the previous b&w with the new voigtlander 12mm M mount. used a hoya 52mm R72 ir filter with stepping rings. can't remember where i got it as i gotten it quite sometime back for my lx3. but think should be easy to find 52mm and above filter size. hope this helps:)

Thks for sharing, 21mm elmarit ASPH uses E55 filter, guess will get a SLR size IR filter with adapter to try..:D

sonnar zm 50 f1.5, M9 still pretty blah....:confused:

If judge as a general digital camera, it is excellente!

but to compare it with film, or even saying that it is trying to mimic or surpass film, yea...its..blah..

Who is that hansome and charismatic guy in the first picture?

Both I like!, although I like the B&W better, the heavy blue tone makes it very sad and gloomy :thumbsup:
thank u sir !!! maybe becos my M8 is on its way to Germany

My GRD pic taken sometime ago. This GRD was my 1st digital camera.:)


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FED-2 w/ Industar-26M 52mm F/2.8 lens.
Kodak Elitechrome 100.
Tetenal C-41 (cross-processed).
Epson V600.






gee...thanks for calling me OLD.....:bsmilie:...sigh...first fat, now guys are really sweet....

Sir Dan, I NEVER said you were old hor..... distinguished, yes, but not old hor ;)

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