Semakau Landfill Walks

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Mar 13, 2004
The Semakau Landfill Walks, beginning November 2005, promises to highlight the wonders of Pulau Semakau's ecosystem. The Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, together with the National Environment Agency, "offer(s) a 2-hour guided walk that will take you through the operations of the landfill, the plots of reforested mangroves and the pristine intertidal areas that extremely rich in flora and fauna".

Photographers, particularly those into macro photography, should be particularly interested in this walk. However, there are costs involved - unless you want to waterproof your cameras and swim there (kidding) - for the transport, adminstration and other associated overheads.

It's $63 per person or more accurately, $630 for a group of ten, which is the number of participants needed to fill the boat. No point going with fewer people and no way to accommodate more on one boat.

So, if you guys are interested, check out the dates and times available (walks can only be conducted at low tide). Form yourselves in groups of ten using this thread. Register on the website, settle the payment, and have a great time learning about and photographing Singapore's natural heritage!

very keen on the walk but i'm not going to be around by nov. Any chance of an earlier slot?

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